Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


As I posted as a new member, we have chosen our new girl, and will be bringing her home at the end of April.  I have been scouring DoodleKisses to ‘try’ and prepare for the big day, and our new lives together.  One thing I’ve noticed, is that there doesn’t seem to be a huge contingent of black labradoodles on the site.  Maybe I just haven’t searched the correct way yet!  

We have been dreaming of what our Zoey will look like as she grows, and what “haircut” might look best for her once she needs grooming.  Having a hard time picturing her as she grows.

Sooooo, if you have a black coated doodle, ANY age, I’d love to see photos!

Love this site!!!!!!


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It doesn't look like it's super active, but there is a black doodles group:

Thanks!  I will check it out!   

We think black is the best color because they never look as dirty.  They are still dirty, you just can't tell it, lol!  For some reason black dogs are never really that popular.  They always say they are the last to get adopted out of shelters.  Not really sure why.  The only down side that I know of is the heat.  Our Lucy (Goldendoodle) doesn't tolerate the heat as well as our lighter colored doodles have.  Just touching her fur on a sunny day you can feel it will be really warm or even hot and AnnaBelle's will not feel warm at all.  Therefore, Lucy doesn't tend to be really happy in the heat.  She will find a shady spot when there is snow on the ground, lol.  When we went to pick out our first doodle, we were going to specifically look at the runt of the liter because I wanted a smaller dog and Mike wanted a large dog.  I thought maybe the runt would stay smaller.  The only thing I said for sure was I didn't want a black one.  Well, low and behold we came home with 2.  The runt of the liter and Miss Lucy.  When we got there and the lady brought in all the females, Lucy ran over to Mike and Sophie just sort of looked at me like get me out of here. She was so tiny and there were like 13 puppies.   So I was holding her and Mike was playing with Lucy.  He just fell in love with her.  We have never regretted our decision.  Although we lost Sophie at 5 to Lymphoma, we still have Lucy who is now 11 and have added AnnaBelle who is now 6.  It is hard to tell from your photo what the coat might do as she is still so young.  The first year she will go through lots of changes.  Just keep reading and researching and you will be find.  There are lots of FB pages as well.  Some that a lot of people here are on are:  Doodle Family, Goldendoodle Love and then there are some pages based on where you live.  My two best pieces of advice are to start day one playing with her ears and feet and tail and rubbing in between her paw pads and putting her up on a counter and running a comb and brush through her hair.  Even though she may not need it do it often.  Get her used to it.  Make it a happy positive experience with lots of yummy treats.  Get her used to being touched in all those places so she will be used to it for future grooming.  The other is socialization.  Take her every where possible in the first 4 months.  You have to be careful letting her down in the ground in public places because of parvo, but you can take her and carry her or we took ours in a plastic tub and sat them in the shopping carts and went to places like Lowes or Home Depot, Garden Centers, Festivals, you name it we took them.  They need to hear noises and meet people.  The first 4 months are the most crucial time for socialization.  

The areas most prone to dirt on Riley are the white parts lol (paws and muzzle). The rest of her never looks dirty like you said.  She can look decently clean then you get her in the bath and the water is brown :p  she gets a bath when she feels gritty and smells dusty these days.

I was thinking she will be really hot in the summer.  She is double coated so I won't shave her but I will scissor trim a bit.  Hopefully it will help.  Bernese are notoriously heat intolerant as well.

Thanks for all of the good info. Lucy and AnnaBelle are beautiful doodles!!!!!

I have (and still have) black dogs in the past, and you are so right about getting dirty.  AJA's coat is "retreiver-ish" - short and a little oily.  So after a while, he gets pretty stinky....

We have a convertible and are already planning lots of driving trips "topless" this summer, depending on how little Zoey does with the sun.  NO sunburn!!!!!  And lots of visits to the beach and with friends.

Thank you!

Everyone is right. The black dogs never look dirty - they are dirty, but they don't look dirty. The hardest thing is photographing them so their eyes show. Katie is beautiful, but her pictures never make her out to be as pretty as she is. I'm sure someone with more photography skills could do a better job than I do, but it's definitely easier to photograph the light colors. Grooming is more about hair type than color. My white girl is very curly and poodley. It's harder to keep her hair long without mats than it is my black girl. She is still fairly curly, but her hair is just different and doesn't mat like the white one does. Even the groomer remarked on it. 

Here's my baby girl. She's 4 1/2 now and she's such a good girl.

See? No eyes.

Thank you!  I love the photo, no eyes, or not!  She is Beautiful!

First photo is a few years ago.... second photo is recently.  Boca is almost 9 years old and an F1 Labradoodle

They are gorgeous!  Both of them! 

No matter what color they are, I really love the look of a doodle!

Thank you!  And Louie is beautiful!           

so cute!



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