Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


We've chosen our next dog!  She's a 5-week old bernedoodle (Bernese mountain dog/standard poodle) - coming home in late September.  We wanted something really different from Luna (F1 mini goldendoodle) since our hearts are still broken from her passing.

I know Luna never had the tufts around her eyes and she was a flat-coated goldendoodle so I'm predicting at least "scruffy" for this little one.  I looked at some pictures of Bernese puppies and she only looks slightly fluffier than one of those so I don't think she will be curly.

What do you think?

*Updated up to 7 months!  Shaggy big bear!

4 weeks

6 weeks

8 weeks - 12.3 lbs / 5.6 kg

10 weeks - 14.7 lbs / 6.7 kg

14 weeks - 22 lbs / 10 kg

16 weeks - 30 lbs / 14 kg

20 weeks - 40 lbs / 18 kg 

7 months- 50 lbs / 23 kg

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We call Clancy our Disney Dog because he seems like one of the cartoon Disney dogs. He is ver vocal— he talks to us, his toys, and even himself. That mirror photo is so cute. 

Haven't updated in a while!

Riley is 7 months old now and about 50 lbs.  We figure she will top out somewhere around 65-70 lbs.

Her adult coat seems to be growing in, looks a little more wavy than her puppy coat. 

She has earned the nickname "big bear" with good reason!

She is also really into snuggling... Luna was much more catlike in her snuggling demands, it's nice having a dog that likes to spoon although it gets heavy if she sits on one of us!

Love the way she's sitting!  So snuggley!

A little size comparison today... Riley on her bed at 8 weeks, 6 months and now at about 8.5 months.  We think she is fully grown now and has started to fill out a bit.  She weighs about 58 lbs so we expect her to top out at 65 lbs or so.  She looks a lot heavier than she is because of all the fluff but she is probably taller than an average golden or lab.

She is absolutely gorgeous! I love her coat and coloring so much. Beautiful girl!

Thank you :) I think it's taking so long for me to attempt a grooming because her coat is so pretty the way it is.  I know it needs to be done though it's so long (probably about 6" on her body).

Riley is just gorgeous!

I know it isn't as thick but Haley's is 6 - 7 inches on his body and I have never cut it, just trim around eyes and feet.

That is good to hear :) I don't know why but I had it in my head that you have to trim their body hair for some reason.  She will need daily brushing regardless so maybe I'm making more work for myself for no reason;) I trim her face every few weeks, paws need some work for sure though.

I think it depends on what kind of coat you have though. I couldn't get away without cutting Maggie and Katie's hair. It would be dragging the ground, not to mention a hot mess. Ava never had a hair cut for 17 months. Of course she started shaved, but her hair just didn't grow the same way the more poodley doodles do. I think it was because she was more retriever (not a hair expert!)

Her hair is mostly straight with a little crimping.. but she has a LOT and I feel like she might be too hot if I leave it this long.  Need to maintain the double coat situation since it helps cool them so I was going to use the width of my hand as a trimming guide for the length.

I dont blame you! I certainly wouldn't as long as you can keep up. Eye, feet, sanitary.... I just couldn't cut on that beautiful coat. 

I love watching Riley grow. I can't believe how quickly Willow is growing! She was Katie sized when she came home and only a few days later she's definitely bigger than Katie. I find that I don't notice until I have a size comparison.



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