Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all!!! My 10 weeks old pup, Ozzy, will eat anything he could get his mouth on whenever we are outside for his potty training and walks. He will the grass, mulch, dead worms, straw, leaves and anything else he could get his little mouth on. While I get most of it out of his mouth, he still hurry and swallow what's in his mouth when he sees me coming.

Someone told me that it's good for dogs to eat grass sometimes because the grass contains nutrients that dogs need. However, I'm worried that he'll get sick from the things that he's eating. Are any of you experiencing this as well? If so, what's the solution? 



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A friend of mine says her puppy loves poop and my friend picks it up right away but that doesn't help her when she's at her kid's house with their dog or at a dog park.  She is really frustrated and has tried everything including cayenne, for-bid, pumpkin, pineapple, etc.  The vet says the food she's giving her puppy is very good quality so that's not it.  I'm not sure what else she can do.  Her puppy is 6 months old so hopefully will outgrow it.

From what I've heard about poop eating, there is nothing you can do but keep it picked up.  As a mom, I'd just pick up the poop when I go to my kids house - not ask them to do it, just say hi and go to the backyard OR I'd keep my dog leashed to my chair.  I'd avoid dog parks. 

Thanks.  I just talked to her the other day and I think she's relegated to the fact that when she's at the kid's place it is going to happen.  She has it on a schedule at home which works well but her kids live on a huge ranch complex with a lot of acreage in the country and the kids and dogs have a ball running all over the place playing and it would be impossible to monitor when the puppy goes.  She jokingly told me it's probably a good idea because no one steps in it.  (lol)

On the other hand, I am a believer in what you stop as a puppy bad habit, might just stop forever.  So, I'm still on the keep the puppy leashed, don't go to parks where the puppy might get to eat poop and cross your fingers and toes that if you do this now, the habit might extinguish.

I feel ya! Mine is 12 weeks and he does the same. It’s a constant game of “what’s in your mouth?” Can’t wait for him to outgrow the habit so that I can play with him outside without worrying about him swallowing something he shouldn’t. 

YES!  Apollo is almost obsessive about his dirt, grass and sand eating.  Its awful and I find myself getting frustrated when we go out to play and he bee lines for a specific spot.  All I can do is try to keep him moving and hope he grows out of it.  I know the sand is bad - can get compacted, but I'm doing the best I can.  He has had sandy poop!  Hoping there is an end to it!



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