Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bubbles desperately needs your help. This precious Goldendoodle puppy has an ectopic ureter, which causes her to leak urine constantly. Because of this congenital condition, her breeder dumped Bubbles onto rescue, and was upset that she 'couldn't sell her for $500.' Information about ectopic ureters can be seen at this website: Bubbles condition can be corrected surgically, but it will cost $2000-$2200 for the procedure. Puppies with ectopic ureters often have urinary tract infections, and Bubbles is no exception. Bubbles has been on antibiotics for a month, and must be cleaned twice a day to help prevent further infections and to keep her skin from scalding. The only hope Bubbles has for a normal life is the surgery. Bubbles needs your help, becuase I cannot take on any more debt and my rescue credit card is maxxed out. Please help this sweet puppy. In a just world, her breeder, who profitted mightily from the 'sale' of Bubble's siblings, would pay for the surgery. I regret that I even have to ask the public for help, but it is the only option. It isn't Bubble's fault that she was born with this condition, and the surgery would allow her to live a long and healthy life. Donations for the surgery can be made directly to the veterinarian's office: (Please mark the check with 'For Bubbles' or include a short note 'for Bubbles'

5520 N. Nevada Avenue Suite #110
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: (719) 272-4004

Dr. Chris McReynolds will be performing the surgery if enough money is raised. If enough money is not raised, your donation will be returned or refunded.
Donations can also be made through paypal. Again, please designate: 'For Bubbles' The rescue paypal id is the email address:

Those who donate will receive updates on the amount of money raised, then surgery, and her recovery after surgery.

$500-$600 of the total amount is for the 'scoping' to confirm Bubble's condition. She will then go immediately into surgery, which will cost $1500-$1600. Bubbles will be available for adoption after the surgery, but there is a 50 % chance that she will always be slightly incontinent. Compared to her current condition, that is manageable. As it is now, Bubbles is constantly in danger of developing a serious infection. She arrived with an infection from the breeders, which is being treated. A big 'Thank you' to the wonderful Jennifer Black in Missouri who saved Bubbles life.

This pet is up to date with routine shots.

The Last Resort Small Dog Rescue
Cotopaxi, CO
(719) 942-3738

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Thank you so much for your kind heart!
done! and good luck to Bubbles!!
Thanks so much, Adrianne, & give Samantha a hug for me!
I'm in, too! Poor, precious puppy!
Love there are so many good people, though. Did you notice? Find one the breeder who dumped this little pup, and you'll also find so many people who care & make a difference.
Rescue people rock!! And so do you all....
I'll be sending a check, as I cancelled paypal after I had a couple of problems with them.
Fingers crossed for a great outcome!
Oh, Patty, thanks so much for caring!
Rescue people rock, AND DK MEMBERS ROCK!
Thanks so much for your kind heart, Bonnie!
I know there is another rescue group I help called Young at Heart. They usually set up an online donation site where you can donate on your credit card and it tracks the donation amount. This is key, if we ae only a little short many people give again. I am sure they will be happy to offer suggestions on the fundraising for these causes. This also allows help for different, specific cases of need. Here is there link.
Thanks Tracie
Thanks so much, Tracie, this is helpful info!
Check and prayers for a successful surgery and a happy new life in a wonderful forever home are on the way. Thanks for letting us know about Bubbles We doodle lovers banded together for Sophie, we can do it to rescue another beautiful doodle too. Yes, Karen, we CAN do it again.
Thank you so much, Diane, for your kind heart! The power of people who love dogs is boundless!
You can count me in to help save Bubbles!
Thank you so much Christine, and please hug a puppy for me!



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