I'm new to this group so please forgive me if this has already been covered.....
I was leaving my vet's office today and was chatting with the receptionist. She mentioned that they had a food meeting on Wednesday with a vet who specializes in nutrition and also a Hill's rep. That of course pique my interest. I asked her to ask them why they stuff their food with corn? Within about 10 minutes the whole staff and Dr. was involved in the conversation. (I was the last appointment of the day, so was the only client there.) I don't fully understand all of it, but this is the gist of what Hill's claims.
Although corn is a filler it does have nutritional value, is a good energy source and does not cause a dog to poop more. They say corn is not difficult to digest when prepared properly and it doesn't create a greater risk of food allergies. Corn is a good source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, carbohydrates and high quality protein. Once cooked, corn becomes highly digestible, like most grains.
They say, the word “by-product” should not leave a bad taste in your mouth. The truth is by-products are not only useful in a wide variety of foods, they’re also essential. When processing soybeans, the by-product Vitamin E is produced. A by-product is simply “something produced in the making of something else and they point out that Vitamin E, Jell-O, beef bouillon, and lamb meal are all by products.
They say looking at the ingredients on a bag can be very deceiving. We know they are listed on the label in order of total volume, with the first few ingredients making up the main content of the food. However, what Hills says is that they are listed by weight, and wet food (such a chicken) will weigh more than corn or grain. Therefore most dog foods have equal amounts of fillers or vegetables and meat. It's just that the meat weighs more because it is a wet food. If it was weighed after it was dried (the way corn and veggies are) it would amount to less than they claim. Sorry this isn't worded well, I'm not understanding it all that well still... This is just what I remember them saying.
I was told I could come to the meeting on Wednesday. What questions would you ask? Do you believe what their saying has any truth or is just a sales gimmick? At this point, I'm thinking sales, but am open to learning. Please share your thoughts.