Doodles are loving, caring, playful pets but there are 2 places where I see this not to be the case: Case 1- Getting a shot at the vets office. Lucky is one of those dogs that has to be "taken to the back" so an aide can help the vet administer the shot. He has in the past tried to bite the vet. Case 2-The Mailman. Everyday Lucky wants to get at that mailman like he is an invader from hell. Anybody else's normally kind gentle doodle turn on the vet or mailman like this?
Yes! My Lilly does not like men that have hats on. She goes way out around them , and barks and growls at them. We have friends that come over to our house and the man wares a hat and every time it takes about 10 min. for her to warm up to him. She does like the Vets, she pulls me in the door when we go there. I don't think Lilly would bite anyone,but the way she growls , sometimes she scares me...;)
Neither of my doodles mind the vet or anyone for that matter--however, they do bark at the mailman--but they bark at anyone outside the house. Then as soon as the outsider comes in they are ready for a kiss fest!
Permalink Reply by Erin on February 28, 2009 at 7:30pm
Hershey seems to do just fine at the vets, but the mailman scenario each day is pretty fun. She can't see out to our front porch, but can hear someone come up our steps to the front door from anywhere in the house, and will give a loud series of barks. Which is great, when I'm home alone... but I feel bad that the mailman probably thinks that there's a crazed animal in here.
So a few times I've seen him coming and taken Hershey outside so she can see who is approaching. She'll get curious and a little shy, but OUR mailman gives treats :o) He said they aren't supposed to, but he ALWAYS carries dog treats with him just in case.
My mailman has reached for his mace to give Lucky. But I grabbed Lucky in time and got him back in the house. I don't blame the mailman . I would have done the same thing if I was him because it definitely looked like he , Lucky, wanted to go after him in a not so friendly way.