Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I planned to take my beloved Keera for a “day at the spa” (groomer) since the new puppies are 8 weeks old and I felt she really need to be cleaned up better than I can do at home after caring for 5 puppies all this time. When I made the appt about two weeks ago the owner of salon said she wanted to see the puppies so I took one of the puppies “Beauty” with me to drop off Keera..

This groomer has been in business around the corner from my home for years... I live on a lake and lake people kind of support each others businesses... I had never taken Keera there before and my regular groomer said they wouldn’t groom her until her milk was all dried up, but this lake side groomer said she would do it without any issue at all..

So here is how my day started: appointment was for 8am.. I arrived with Keera and one of the puppies. I was the first one there and we started talking and showing off the puppy in the lobby area. I was filling out paper work.. The groomer has two employees and they had two dogs which belonged to either the owner of the salon or employees behind this lobby area I’m not sure which at this point... One of the employee said “my puppy (30 lbs) wants to see your puppy, Can he?” I responded with a sure.. 30 seconds later.. all HELL broke loose.. Her dog bite the puppy in the mussel!!!

My puppy was screamed and running under the groomers tables and I was trying to get her and she was running around just screaming and bleeding.. I finally got her and she was bleeding from the nostrils and inside her mouth. I asked for a sink and all three of them came and helped me. I was holding this baby in the sink and still she was screaming and they helped me spray her mussel off and get the bleeding stopped. This entire time they are saying how sorry they are and they will cover the vet costs.. They also said that dog had all its shots and so on. I explained I thought they should rethink about having that dog around customers dogs... I asked for phone and called home.. I told my son to be outside and that I would need his help.. They gave me a towel and I wrapped the puppy up ran home grabbed my son and went strait to the vet..

The puppy has two puncture wounds but she will be okay and we are keeping her and antibiotics just in case.. The vet cleaned it really good and so on..
Get this... I had left Keera there to get groomed and I fully expected them to offer me a discount or some thing... My vet called them and they said they would bring by a check to cover the cost of the vet bill before 5pm today..

At noon they called and say Keera is ready.. I go over and I’m still thinking they are going to take a check to the animal hospital before 5pm.. They had Keera running around the salon and their dogs were caged.. But other owners dogs were loose in the salon... They present me with a bill and asked if still had my coupon I mentioned this morning.. I was in shock!! I paid their bill and left.

A few hours later the vet called and they had not shown up to cover the bill.. I tried to call them and they didn’t answer... I drove over there and they were “closed”.. I told the vet not to worry I would cover it...

I called the police to make a report but they came out and said it was a civil matter I would have to take her to court.. What if this had been someones child? Instead of my puppy?

Okay doodle lovers chime in... what do I do now.

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OMG - that is terrible.. I can't believe that. I would continuously bother them for the money...until you are tired of it. Then pass the word on to others in your community that this is NOT the place to take their beloved pets.
The little puppy has been wrestling with her Mom Keera for the last hour this morning... She has been outside three times so far and is doing great... They just finished the Doodle wrestling match for this mornings round and ate their breakfast. Nap time is here for them and that means I can go to church.
So sorry to hear about your ordeal, I'm just now getting caught up on the forum. I just wanted to say that I was happy to hear the update this morning, that Mom & Pup are getting back to normal. You, on the other hand, deserve a much needed spa day for yourself! Please don't beat yourself up over any decisions you made in the heat of the did absolutely the best you could!
I hope the groomer does the right thing, if not, you should feel more than righteous about spreading the word to whomever may listen! You've got future doodle owners to protect!!
Good luck and please take care.
I just wanted you to see how wonderful this puppy is doing.. Please go to my page and go down to the photo slide show the first 17 pictures are of the puppy who was bitten at the groomers. Isn’t she a beauty... actually that is kind of her name right now "Beauty".
I have no new advice to add - I am so hppy to hear that neither of them seem to have lasting effects.
You need to make sure that their dog is up to date on all his/her shots.
I would make a complaint to the police regarding the biting incident. This dog cold have a history.

I would have pictures taken of the wounds and document the entire story now (don't leave out any detail) as it is still fresh in your memory. - you never know if you will need them.

And if they don't pay the vet bill, I would be :
calling the local papers so fast
reporting them to BBB
reporting them to the town officials - there maybe some kind of official thing they can do
searching for them online, maybe a local site has reviews for groomers where you can post a review of your 'visit'

I am so sorry your wonderful intentions were ruined! I know you are heartsick! Remember what Cesar says 'dogs live in the moment but humans don't'. Seems that neither are traumatized today although I am sure you are. YOU are not at fault!

I think YOU need a day at the spa!! Dr. DoodleMom has written you a script for a long, hot bath with candles and music and a locked door! Put your son in charge of the doodles for an hour and relax. You have been a very busy DM for quite a long time. you deserve it.

As far as them billing you for Keera's grooming - stupid, stupid business decision! Now everyone will hear about this, They could have saved their business reputation. DUMB DUMB DUMB
So sad
How awful!! I too, am so sorry this happened.. If anyone asks you to "see" one of your puppies before they've had their last round of rabies shots, I'd tell them NO from now on..Tell them it's not safe for the puppy to be out in any environment where other dogs have been until they've rec'd all of their shots, this way, you'll never have to go through this again. I would have shown my behind for sure, no question. But, like you, first I would have taken my puppy to the vet right away, I bet you were terrified and angry and nervous, all at the same time. I'm so glad Keera is ok, too.. I know your regular groomer will be appauled at this and will spread the word in the grooming world about that salon!! No question, bad news travels MUCH faster than good, that salon just bought itself a lifetime of bad karma!! Don't beat yourself up, and give Keera and all of your puppies kisses from our family here in Orlando! ;-) I'd call the salon today and leave a message for the owner telling her to contact you for reimbursement from the vet bills that THEY caused!! Not to mention the lingering fear imprint on the puppy, I can't believe they actually asked you to pay for Keera's grooming!!! That is unreal!!! If they give you any bs, I'd call the BBB right away! All our Best to you... xo Love, Crystal/Ollie and Harriet xo
I just wanted you to see how wonderful this puppy is doing.. Please go to my page and go down to the photo slide show the first 17 pictures are of the puppy who was bitten at the groomers. Isn’t she a beauty... actually that is kind of her name right now "Beauty".
So sorry for your troubles (glad everyone is ok). I think you should speak with the owners and ask her how she intends to make the situation right. If you do not get satisfaction, suggest that the local newspaper would be a great forum for your concerns. The pen is mightier than the sword!
Just wanted to add I was speaking to the trainer that I work with for Ozzy and she had said that any adult dog that would hurt a puppy would have to have something wrong with dogs do not attack puppies even in the wild packs....maybe something is wrong with the groomers dog...I hope you are feeling better!!!!
I just wanted you to see how wonderful this puppy is doing.. Please go to my page and go down to the photo slide show the first 17 pictures are of the puppy who was bitten at the groomers. Isn’t she a beauty... actually that is kind of her name right now "Beauty".
Well here is an update.... Yesterday when all this happened I called the Humane Soc. but got a voice mail so I left a message and this morning while chatting with all of you... They called me and said they would send an officer over.. A different officer showed but then yesterday and said they could do what they called a "bite report" but they would need to contact them (groomers) also before this could be done.. I was able to find the groomers name in the phone book and gave it to the officer (Seth).. He came and sat down with me.. He even read my the post!!!.. said he loves dogs also but the law doesn't see things the same way as "dog lovers" do.. He promised he would go track down and talk to the groomer while I went to church. I explained I wanted proof the dogs shots... He said he would work on it.

He called me after church.. He tracked them down and is forcing them to quarantine the dog for 10 days.. He said he can not force them to keep the dog out of their business except for 10 days. The other thing is they showed him a receipt which states they did go and pay the bill..they had gotten there as the vet was locking up..

Seth also suggested I do not go there or contact them.. He felt I’m to emotionally attached to the situation and chances are good I would get upset and then he would have to deal with me.. So you guys are right.. I do need some time away from my doodles.

I just had to part with 3 of them this week and then this.. All to much for me.



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