I can really use some advice from you wise doodle owners.
A few facts...
Max is 16 weeks old and has been crate trained from 7 1/2 weeks old. He has always been either in the crate, on the sofa (on a blanket) or tethered in the kitchen - always with someone with exception to the crate. He had very few accidents. The few accidents he had on the floor was his first few days home with us and mommy and daddy were just figuring out how to crate train. The other few accidents were in his crate when mommy got stuck somewhere longer than say 2 hours.
Fast forward to the last week and a half. Max proved to us that he could both hold it in his crate for more than two hours (3-4 hours) plus hold it overnight (8.5 hrs). So, I decided to give him more freedom in the house. He did wonderfully last week. No accidents and he was starting to use the poochie bells. I was so happy and proud because he really earned that freedom and he really needed that extra exercise he gets from the freedom of movement.
Here comes my problem. Last night and just now - he urinated on my carpet. To say the very least, I'm not thrilled. My house is new and I don't want it smelling like a gas station urinal. Then again - who does? He was being watched but, dang it, he is fast. Since I didn't catch him "in the act", I couldn't give him an abrupt "NO!" Each time, I've said "bad potty" with a dissapointed voice and gave him a long time out in his crate. I've also cleaned up the mess with some Urine Off.
I knew there would be some accidents along the way but, he keeps having these accidents an hour and a half after a potty break so, it's not like I've pushed it time wise. Maybe I am mistaken but, I thought he could hold it for about three hours now.
Did I give him too much freedom too fast? Obviously, he doesn't see the home as an extention of his crate even though I introduced him slowly to his surroundings. Should I take a step back now and go back to his stricter routine?
WWYD? (What would you do?)
(PS. I don't think he is marking because it's more than a small trickle and he isn't lifting his leg)