Now that you've read through Day 1 of the 7 Day Mini Course...feel free to post your thoughts, questions about the lesson here. Also any suggestions or results from your homework!
I am so excited about this online course and doing this training with my fellow doodle friends. So here I go being the first to ask a question:
Our homework for tonight is to find effective reinforcements for our doodles. I currently feed Bear Merrick Wilderness Blend and I had read that we should use a reinforcer that is better than the food we are giving them regularly.
So I was wondering what you all are going to use and to see if anyone had any suggestions for me :)
Thanks!!! I look forward to our later chats and discussions as we go through the training together.
In the past I have used pea-sized bites of cut up hot dogs and cheese. My dogs find their kibble extremely rewarding so I may still use that for some things, but start with the more tasty stuff for harder things or beginning new behaviors.
Ooh, some good ideas that I don't have to shop for- turkey, string cheese... But when we're outside we may use a soft, chewy chicken jerky treat which they go nuts over. I have a question; with 2 doodles, how will I manage using the program with both? Ziggy doesn't need as much work but he'll be first in line for treats and does need some work, and the clicker and reinforcers need to come very timely. And they are used to being together, hard to keep one out of the way to work with the other for any period. Marley doesn't even like to go out to pee if Ziggy is not coming. Any thoughts??? Lisa
I think you will do best if you separate them somehow. They each need to learn fluency and the language of clicker training first. Then perhaps you can work them together, but it will be awfully hard to improve your timing while watching TWO doodles try to get the click.
I've always separated my dogs for things simply so they know how to be apart and I can focus on one at a time. So I'm not sure exactly how to do it if they aren't at all used to it. What if one goes to the vet? Do you take both?
Do you use a crate for either of them? Maybe crate one in another room.
Do you have a baby gate? Just baby get one and give the lonely one a Kong stuffed with amazing treats or frozen stuff--or a special toy they ONLY get when the other is busy learning.
Or can your hubby take ONE on a walk or for fetch while you work with the other one?
Each training session should not last more than 5 minutes (maybe 10 once they get better at clicker) so he won't need to be gone very long before switching dogs.
Oh they are both crate trained and I can take them out places individually; Ziggy is more of a hiker while Marley is small and gentle enough to take to my Mom's assisted living... But if one is in the crate and can see the other outside getting treats.... Just a logistical thing, the crates are by the patio sliders; answer is I need to work with them individually, so I'll need to accomodate that. Thanks, Lisa
Inside I use Natural Balance dog food (comes in a roll) but I also use his kibble which he really likes. Outside I'll use a combination of organic hotdogs & Natural Balance. Although I like the idea of using babybel and/or string cheese.
Inside I use cheerios. Outside I have these little Milkbone training treats that are right now what I use for calling Riley back into the house after potty. I also like the idea of the string cheese, I have never thought of that.
I am really excited about doing this online training with everyone.
I use Cheerios sometimes also!! I have also "flavored them" by putting some type of dried meat in the bag with the cheerios and they absorb the flavor without the calories. Also, it seems to soften them.
I've done this too with less valuable (to them) treats...roll them around with a stinky thing like liver treats or cheese and it makes the rest taste/smell more exciting.
That is exactly right, Parris views the Cheerio treats as a four on a scale of 1 to 4.
Parris' list of top 4 is:
1. Grilled Chicken from Chick-fil-A...she is CRAZY for it
2. Boars head deli Turkey or chicken
3. Mozzarella cheese
4. cheerios
I have yet to find a food that Parris doesn't like though!!!!!
How exciting to wake up this morning and see all of these is really nice to see what I can use and not spend a lot of money with the economy the way it is.
Some great ideas for treats. Never thought of some of them. I was also wondering what is the minimum amount of time to spend on a lesson. My time is kind of tight right now with unpacking(we just moved), getting ready for houseguests among boxes and sponsering a Horsemanship clinic this weekend. I am excited about this course and know Sam will do well. He is such a smart Doodle, LOVES treats and will eat anything. Even things he should not.