Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It seems that at almost 15 weeks, we have turned a potty corner and Phoebe is managing to have some totally dry days. Our next obstacle is leash walking. She hates to go for a walk which seems to run counter to my perception of happy dog philososphy--see the leash...leap for joy at the prospect of heading outside. Not so for Phoebe--she runs from it. Once I manage to get her outside, each step is an achievement. We did 'heeling' in puppy k and she did okay but out on the open sidewalk so to speak, things are very different. I have tried the Gentle Leader but we both hated it. I moved on to the Gentle Harness but she bucks like a bronco and then 'walks' the rest of the way sideways or she stops dead and will not move. I spoke to our vet and she suggested treats but Phoebe will only take two steps to get the treat and then stop. If I try to lengthen the space between us, she refuses to move at all. I call our 'walks' pull and drags as that is the only way she will move. Please tell me this is simply another phase that I need to survive and not that I am destined to remain on my property as the rest of the dog owners walk on by enjoying the exercise and great weather.

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The dragging of the leash around the house is excellent advice and I can attest that it works beautifully (I actually used a light bit of clothesline instead of a fancy leash--just having a line attached was the key).

Also--I take it your pup is still really young....which means, setting lower goals is in order...someone else mentioned that "proper" leash walking behavior comes later--totally agree with that.

To give you an idea, when my Mija was a weeee pup, it took us about a week just to get down the driveway to the mailbox...being outside was not only NEW for her, but incredibly over-stimulating---so many sounds, so many smells, so many new things to see! When she would hesitate and stop walking, I'd simply stop and wait with her--I would let her get her bearings and when calm, I'd slowly take a step forward again, all the while praising her and giving her rewards! By the second week, we had made it four houses the end of that month, we could go down the street and back! Little by little!

Think of your attempts at walking right now as simply jaunts of world experience building....your pup needs to continue to grow and mature before she is ready to tackle new experiences with gusto and not fear.

Keep up the GREAT work---and don't forget, ENJOY these young moments of puppyhood...they are so innocent at this stage and wide-eyed for the world!!! :D
Do you have any friends with dogs. Try going for a walk with another dog. They learn a lot from them +most the time, they want to play with the other dog. At least it gets them moving with a leash on. I agree with the leash around the house like Adina said. I don't think this is a strange thing though, most dogs don't like it at first. Make sure to keep working on this though. I have a friend who loves to walk. She walks every day. I said to her "Why don't you take your dog?" She commented back "well Cooper just doesn't like to walk." Cooper is 4. To me that's crazy. I've never heard of such a thing. Don't let that happen.
Believe me, the process might be slower for Phoebe but she will not be a non-walking dog! All of our neighbors with dogs merely 'let them out'--they simply never walk them (that I notice, that is). I am going to try a more relaxed approach with her starting this week. Maybe we will not be walking miles right now, but we will be walking! Thanks!
I do want to add too - once you get Phoebe moving a little don't give up on the gentle leader thing. I just took Fergie (14 months) and Little Lucy (11 weeks) for a mile and a half walk with both of them on gentle leader's. Fergie knows it very well and this was Lucy's third time. The first 2 blocks were a little tough but I think as she saw Fergie moving along on my left and me with a treat in my right hand getting to move forward she's getting a lot better. I think she's getting it.
I just thought of something else. When we walk my Abby is following my kids who are running and skipping just ahead of us. Do you have a child/grandchild who Phoebe likes that you can use as the carrot dangling at the end of the stick?



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