Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I took Marley to the Dog Park for the first time this morning -- she is 10 months old and full of energy and we live in a condo so I thought what a beautiful morning to let her run.

Well we didnt have the best experience -- when we first went in, she was super excited and ran around and greeted all the dogs (and owners) and then started playing. She was definetly the youngest there with the most energy. She jumped on a few owners (I know something we really need to work on) and played nicely with the dogs. After awhile, everyone else left and it was just Marley, and three other dogs -- dogs which had been growling at her most of the time.

At one point I went to go get a ball they had all been playing with and when I turned around two of the dogs were nipping at Marley and had her backed in a corner and at one point one of the dogs grabbed her leg and I think I heard her yelp. Now I know that it is normal to nip and stuff when playing but she was completly backed in the corner and had the big eyed -- Mom help me look. I yelled to get off of her and the other owners just looked at me like I was crazy and said oh they are just playing! I am sorry but I know my dog and that look was not a I am enjoying this look. Maybe I over reacted but having her backed into a corner just seemed like a little much and her tail was definetly between her legs....

So any advice out there on helping her (and me) in the situation? She does great in Day Camp when she goes (never been told there is a problem) so just not sure what to do....

Shannon and Marley

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I'm sorry not to have much advice for you. Have you been back? Hopefully others can help.
Shannon, which dog park were you at? I know a lot of them.....
I don't think your reaction was unjustified. We owners know our dogs well and if she didn't look happy - she wasn't.
Some owners don't watch closely enough - I have seen many bad situations arise at off-leash dog parks over the years. Here are a few of my random thoughts, take them for what you paid for them, free, LOL.
I always look around first and see what kind of dogs are there.....anything looking too big, naughty, or pit bulls....I leave.
I prefer the dog parks where you can hike or walk - I keep moving thru those, stopping to let my dogs play with someone when we come across them on the trail but not lingering long if the owner is weird or the dog too agressive w/mine. I'll even put the leash on to gain control and walk off in the opposite direction they are going and stay on leash until they are out of sight again to let my dogs go.
The type of dog park where everyone kinda congregates in one area and the owners stand around and socialize while the dogs romp and play has both good and bad parts. Good socialization for the dogs IF they are all playing nicely and they are all well socialized dogs, which is not always the case. I hate owners that bring aggressive dogs and then expect everyone else to just deal with their @sshole dog being a jerk. It is really nice to get to meet other dog owners, swap stories, get recommendations on groomers, vets, toys, etc. But some people are not nice or are there looking for a mate for themselves and not paying attention to their dog. Again, I just take in the entire situation and if it's not working for me, we leave.
I think for the congregation style dog parks, going in off-peak times when there are less dogs is MUCH more pleasurable. The owners are true dog people, typically their dogs are well-behaved and socialized and it's usually a good time.
Just don't ever hesitate to leave. Pick your dog up if you have to (I know, hard with a doodle but easy with my jack russells, lol) and get the hell outta dodge if something isn't right. If there is an altercation, don't hesitate to call the police or forest preserve. Try to get license plates of the offending dog owner if they leave before help gets there.
I also always make sure to have a few treats, water, water bowl, towels, and basic doggie first aid kit just in case :)
Don't let this get you down, though. For the most part, I've had nothing but fun with all my dogs at many local dog parks in Kane, DuPage, and Will County. We also go camping a lot and same thing applies!
Have fun!
I agree with Mandy...the dog parks that are just like a big backyard where all the owners stand around gabbing while the dogs do whatever are lousy places to take your dog. Lake County has 4 enormous Forest Preserve dog parks that are fenced areas of the preserves, with hiking trails & swimming ponds, 40- 100 acres each, and that's the kind of "dog park" I use.
"Socializing" dogs does not involve them playing with other dogs. That is not the meaning of "socialization" as it applies to dogs. Socializing puppies means exposing them to our society...all different kinds of people, places, noises, etc. This is not accomplished at dog parks. I use dog parks for exercise...the opportunity to run off-leash, swim, or just walk with your dog so that he can go at his pace as you go at yours. There is nothing more pleasant than walking in the woods with Jack running up ahead, turning back to check on me, etc.
If you want to give your dog a chance to play with other dogs, have your own play group in a backyard, or perhaps sign up for doggy day care once or twice a week. Dogs do not need to go to dog parks for any reason other than off leash exercise.



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