Let's show the world our proud history. Blonde dogs have starred in movies, TV shows, and on Broadway, and also sold a lot of books. Our legacy is a proud one! Post your favorites here. Blonde dogs rule!!
Ooh! A famous blonde dog, right in our midst! We must see some video of that, or maybe still photos? At the very least, a glam shot of Vegas posted here in the F.B.D. section!
ca·noo·dle (k-ndl)
v. ca·noo·dled, ca·noo·dling, ca·noo·dles Informal
To engage in caressing, petting, or lovemaking.
To win over or convince by cajoling or flattering; wheedle: "his matchless ability to charm, bamboozle, or canoodle most of his political associates" (Timothy Garton Ash).