Sorry, this question is not about my doodle, but about my maltipoo. I posted a few months ago that he microchip had moved and it's currently near his shoulder. Last night I took a look at it and could actually see the dark chip underneath his skin. Can anyone else feel their dog's microchip or see it? I'm bringing him to the vet on Monday because I'm worried if it's this close to the skin, that it could break the skin and fall out. I'm afraid they'll have to take it out and reinsert it, but I'm annoyed because they'll probably have to put him under and shave his shoulder.
I was able to feel Max's microchip a few weeks ago. I don't feel it anymore. I don't know if it's because he had it done only a month and half ago or if it's moved. The last time I went to the vet, they checked it and it was there.