Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The Obama Administration has pledged to create an unprecedented level of openness and public participation in government. The FDA, in an attempt to abide by the Administration, has formed a ‘FDA Transparency Task Force.’ The following is an initial transparency guideline recommendation to the FDA regarding pet food. Please add your signature.


Dear FDA Transparency Task Force,

Thank you for the opportunity for public input; the following recommendations are solely related to pet food transparency.

Although I cannot comprehend how an existing FDA policy can override Federal Law (FDA policy that allows 4-D animals to be processed pet food ingredients despite the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Laws that prohibit such actions), I can only assume that this FDA policy will remain intact. Subsequently, I recommend Pet Food Warning Labels similar to those on cigarette packaging.

Any pet food that contains or could contain ingredients derived from 4-D animals should be required to warn the consumer. As you are well aware, dog food and cat food ingredients including but not limited to, Animal Fat, Meat Meal, Meat and Bone Meal, By-Product Meal, and Animal Digest are probable to contain 4-D animals. Typically, these 4-D animals are denatured with approved agents such as “kerosene, fuel oil, or used crankcase oil”. Thus, the common pet food and pet treat ingredients including but not limited to Animal Fat, Meat Meal, Meat and Bone Meal, By-Product Meal, and Animal Digest are probable to contain kerosene, fuel oil and/or used crankcase oil.

Clearly, a diseased or dead animal and kerosene or used crankcase oil is NOT what any pet owner would knowingly feed their dog or cat.

Therefore, following the President’s Transparency memorandum, I suggest the following warning (or similar warning) to be required of dog foods, cat foods, and dog and cat treats that contain or could contain
4-D animals and/or denaturing agents…

WARNING: This Pet Product could contain ingredients that are in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Laws. Diseased, disabled, dying, and dead animals (4-D), and the toxic chemicals used to clearly distinguish this material unfit for human consumption, could be included in this pet product.

Should the FDA feel the above warning could take years to establish and enact, I suggest the FDA take note of the recent actions taken by the Australian government and Department of Agriculture. In late 2008 numerous cats across Australia became ill and died. Quickly, it was determined the link between all cat illnesses was imported Orijen Cat Food. Within another brief time frame, it was determined the mandatory Australian import requirement to irradiate pet foods was the cause of cat deaths and illnesses. Seven months from the initial reports of cat illnesses, the Australian government and the Australian Department of Agriculture ceased the required irradiation of pet food imports (both cat foods and dog foods) into the country.

Surely, the FDA can approve a tiny pet food warning within a brief time frame. Surely, the FDA must agree that pet owning consumers (over 70 million strong), deserve transparency of pet food labeling. While there is a long list of necessary changes to meet full transparency of pet food ingredients, labeling, and regulations, we hope that the FDA shows strength of government similar to Australia and begins with requiring pet food warning labels.



To add your name to the FDA letter, send an email to the below address. In the body of the email, provide your full name, City and State (as example, Susan Thixton, Tampa, FL). Do not use this email address to contact; this address will ONLY be used to collect signatures for the above FDA letter/petition.

Please send your full name, city and state to (Email: to Add your Signature to the above Letter to the FDA.

PLEASE forward this article and signature request to every pet owner you know. There are 74 million homes in the United States that own a pet. My goal is to collect One Million Signatures to send to the FDA. There is Power in numbers. To gain the signature of one in 74 pet owners seems to be a very conservative goal. One million signatures on the other hand will be an extremely powerful message to the FDA.

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Truth about PetFood
Petsumer Report

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Views: 60

Replies to This Discussion

Just sent my petition in. And sent it to all my animal loving friends.
Excellent, Denise.
Lynne, sent my name to be added to the petition.
Thanks, Janie. Send it to all your pet loving friends, too. One million+ people will be hard to ignore!
Just sent my signature. I'll get it forwarded to as many people as I can think of.
Great! Thanks, Les.
Just sent my name as well as forwarded email to all my friends who have pet children.
Thank You Nina, Phil & Harlow!



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