I dont think the two are connected but I figured while I was posting . . . Ollie is 10 weeks old. He seems to always have eye boogers - I am constantly picking at him which he hates but I can't seem to stop myself! Last night I trimmed the hair beneath his eyes and am hoping that will help some. Is eye goop normal for doodles or do I need to ask the vet (we have appt tomorrow a.m. anyway)
He has thrown up twice today. He got into our older dog's food (not much how much - I wasnt home - my dh told me about it). The first time he threw up outside with me and it looked just like slightly soggy food. The second time was in his sleep while he was in his crate and my babysitter cleaned it up and called me at work to tell me. His poop has been really runny again the last couple of days. We have given him some pumpkin. You may remember that when we first got him - we had to wait a couple of days because he was being treated for diarhhea. Am guessing he needs more treatment.
It WAS disgusting. He just came over for some lovin' while I was working at my desk, I gave his head a big hug with the some whispering in his ear... and the next thing I know, I licked this salty thing off of my lip... yes, it was an eye booger. Gross!
Well I had the same question last week--the eye goop problem. Adina eased my worries when she redirected me to a previous discussion here on DK. Once again, and back by popular demand a must read for doodle eye boogers:
the eating eye booger thing is grossing me out!!! Took Ollie to the vet today for some shots. Dr said the eye goop was normal. Brought some poop in a cup - Ollie decided to poop on the chair in our room this morning so it was unfortunately really easy to get a poop sample! They will have test results on Monday or Tuesday. I think the throwing up twice was just because he got into my other dog's food. Ollie is ten weeks - he weighed 12.4. At 8 weeks - he was 8 pounds. Is that typical growth. He is always starving - we only give him 1/2 cup twice a day - I know he could eat a whole lot more. Thoughts on that? Thanks