Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thanks to Jacqie and the DRRC, I am picking up my first foster tomorrow. 'Jason' is a 4 month old, male, NOT intact, F1b puppy from Almost Heaven.

Of course as you all know me and my camera ready fingers, pictures to be posted tomorrow.

My mother always told me never to go to someones home emptyhanded so I am going to the shelter with lots of goodies. I have been calling all the businesses I do business with and hitting them up for donations. I hope they are generous! I am going to bring bags of food, collars and leashes and of course, toys!

I can't wait to meet 'Jason'!!!

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Liz, I got the "if you bring another dog into this house I'm out of here" speech, last week. Good thing he got over it, AGAIN. LOL
At least you guys have husbands saying that to you...I only hear it from my cat!
LMAO!......Yeah I get the same crap from Blake..Just take a look at the expressions on his face in all of my foster pics....Doesn't he look thrilled???....LMAO!

LOL! These are perfect pictures!!! Only if he can talk!
I say he has a lot of patience.
Those expressions say it all. My Hoot had the same reaction when he realized Gabby was going to stay. They play together pretty well but I think he's still resentful that she's getting his tummy rubs, his ear scratches, and his tasty treats. Poor Aussie is terribly abused and neglected. But Gabby just adores him.
I hear it from Jonah, Miko and Rumor. It was probably a good thing we had a couple of month vacation. Rumor seems to think it's his replacement each time and gets very needy.....
Oh those looks of Blake speak volumes!! He have very expressive eyes. Seamus usually tries to hump the foster dogs for the first 24 hours, and when that doesn't work (luckily all the fosters have been meek dogs) he tries to play "King of the Mountain" by not allowing them to play on "his deck" in the backyard. Then he appears to spend the first 24 hours after they leave, to try to find them to play with!! Ya just can't win!



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