Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

One of my Facebook friends did this today and I followed directions and now think it might be fun to do here on Doodle Kisses!

Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence as a response (but don't tell us the title of the book or author, it's funnier that way).
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual, use the CLOSEST book... GO!

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One of the officers held up the copy of the Stand. Jodi Picoult Change of Heart
Sue, that was a good book. :) I like all her books though.
Let's face it, Mr. Burnet," he said, "you're screwed, your cells are very rare and valuable."
Ooooh ohhh I read this! I cant remember what it is called but his daughter is a lawyer and some genetic engineering company put a patent on this mans cells because they cured his cancer....right?
"The following tables summarize the balance of payments for 1982 and 1987." boring book at work!
I squawked, and the gull scuttled away.
See page 27 for planting bare root.
Ah yes... a gardener!
"I made a point to wear nerdy Italian cat's-eye glasses so I'd blend in when meeting with the dot-com chicks."
I was the friend that did this on Facebook - and I got an email notification that you responded, but Facebook is blocked at work, so I can't respond to your response (lol).

I'm at work - so it will definitely be boring, but here is my nearest book:

"If you qualify for this benefit, the Fund will advance the amount of health insurance benefit premiums required to maintain your current health insurance coverage." BLAH.
"In my senior year Joe Newman became our drummer."
and an interesting inventor!!



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