Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So im bringing this little girl home on 7-31 i cant wait, just talked with the breeder, she said they are getting so big so fast!!!! only a few more weeks!!!! i have her HUGE crate already set up, will have to find some kind of divider so it wont be so big, they only had xtra large at walmart lol. as far as names go we r not sure yet, once she comes home we will know for sure any suggestions on what she looks like???? any help please would be apreciated!!!! thanks

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Congratulations on your new puppy! What we did when our dog was a puppy was to put an empty box with a blanket around it in the crate. It made the crate instantly smaller and he loved it. When he got bigger we took it out and gave him more room. Our dog has always loved his crate.

what a good idea! i never thought of that....i didnt really want a huge crate that is taking up half of my dining area. but in the long run its better so i wont have to buy the next one up when she gets bigger.
Congratulations! Your new puppy is a cutie. We are getting a new puppy too. Boomer will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, and we will pick him up in mid August, after boot camp. Can't wait to see more pics.

Most of our pet names come from SciFi characters. But sometimes, you just have to see your puppy first, then the name will come...
Your new puppy is Beautiful!
Suggestions - just like with new moms, mostly go with your gut on what to do.
At first, she's just soooo young, just a baby. She just needs your love and kisses.
Later, if you want to avoid spoiling, just make sure that once you say something, you really mean it and
follow through.
Many of the extra large crates have a divider (think they might call them grow crates). Anyway, the only
problem with them being too large is that the pup may feel as though it's got room to "poop or pee" without
it offending them. :-) If it happens, yup, a make shift divider may work.
You've prob. done some reading on crate training and it's all helpful.
Again, stick with your heart. You'll just love her to pieces!
Also, after you see her and watch her romp, names will come to you. :-)
Gail (Beca's Mom) Throughout the day, Beca is called, "Roni" (like Becaroni), Muggins (don't know how that started), Little One (just an endearment), Cutie Pie, and several more. But, mostly Beca!
You should definitely do some sort of divider in the crate - we have a mini doodle and bought a 30" crate (which seems huge to me!). But the divider is perfect - she messed a few times in her crate but hasn't ever since her first week. She loves her crate. Goes right in. Sleeps from 10 to 6:30 a.m. now and will cry if she is not in it by 10.
OMGoodness, how cute she is. Don't you just want to go get her now. It is sooooo hard to wait. I named Lucy for I Love Lucy b/c I LOVE that show. She was also my favorite. Do you like music, movies, sitcoms, etc? Maybe that would help you fine a name. I would love to have a Ricki to go with Lucy. It comes easy after the first one. As far as the crate goes, yes you do want to devide it while she is small and increase her room as she grows. It was a good idea that you got a big one first b/c you would just be going out buying a bigger one anyway. You want to just give her enough room to be able to stand up turn around an lay back down. She will pee and poop in there if she has too much room. Make it like a den. Some people even cover it with a blanket or towel. I had to put the crate right beside my bed though the 2nd. night so I could put my hand near her and she slept all night. GOOD LUCK, can't wait to see more pics. and hear what you named her.



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