Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey everyone. We are going on vacation in a couple weeks and need a place to leave Izzie. Does anyone have a place they like? Anyone used Belle Aire Kennels in Downers Grove?

We live in Naperville, so the closer the better for us.

Thanks for your input.

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Sadie's day care, "Bow Wow Beach Club", boards. We haven't used them yet for boarding since they are a bit pricey. We love them for daycare though. They are in Westchester so it isn't incredibly close to Naperville. When we go on vacation this year Sadie is going to a boarding with bootcamp in McHenry. Good luck in your search!
Hi Tara,

Could you give me the name of the boarding facility you mentioned in McHenry?
We used "First Place Dog Training" which does boarding and training. I wasn't thoroughly impressed, but she seems no worse for wear. I was disappointed about the training they claimed to do with her. They told my husband that they would work on heeling, longer down stays, and basic obedience with more distractions, and unprovoked barking, but from what I gathered when picking her up, they only taught her to stay put on a floor mat without using verbal commands. That is all well and good, but 2 weeks with a well-behaved dog I expected her to know every command in the book. Oh well, she at least seems happy and healthy after being there.

They other thing was we didn't get to see the boarding facility itself. We saw the welcome room and they took the dog back after we left, and went through some training in the training facility when we picked her up. If we lived closer I would have liked to visit the facility ahead of time to see what the kennels looked like. I'm sure they are fine, but it would be nice to know for sure.
Hi Tara,

We plan to use this facility in Wauconda.Not for awhile as we are ecpecting our puppy in late Sept :). Have heard great things about them. Neighbor of mine uses them.
Their website sounds good. You'll have to let me know how it works out. I didn't realize you hadn't gotten your puppy yet. Very exciting. I can't believe we've had Sadie over a year now. Time flies.



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