Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are currently using a kennel that was used for my parents puppy when she was little. It's pretty small and at the rate that Reese is growing we are going to have to start thinking about upgrading her to a bigger kennel..... its just hard because we are not really sure how big she is going to get. In a perfect world we would love to buy her one that will be big enough for her when she's full grown. For those of you that use a kennel/crate... what size do you have??

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Ruby failed crate. Completely. I tried everything, but she always barked and whined until she'd fall asleep. Then start again at 5am. When she was spayed she had to wear a cone, which I couldn't get through the crate door. So I let her sleep in a penned area on the kitchen floor. She slept like a baby all night and into the morning, very peaceful. So I just gave up. She's been sleeping on her mat downstairs ever since-- not in my bedroom. She just puts herself to sleep. Sorry I can't be more help! But a good tip-- check Craigs List for used crates. I found some great deals when I was looking.
Molly was in a kennel every night until she was about 1 year old. Then, she was able to hold till morning, so we stopped using it all the time. Molly is a small doodle - only 23 lbs. She has a small kennel, that we use once in a while, when we need to contain her. She just sleeps in my bedroom. :) I was thinking of upgrading to intermediate size, but so far, we haven't used the kennel enough to need a larger one.
Dewey has been sleeping in a kennel since we brought him home. We had a smallish plastic one and then around 3 months upgraded to a wire kennel so he can see out all sides very well. He is around 20 pounds right now and LOVES his kennel. I found one on a trading post we have through work. Like Lisa said try Craigs List. Dewey has room to move a stretch and hopefully this will be it. As for dimensions 42 x 15 x 54ish. Good Luck!!!
thanks for the help and the demensions helped alot! I guess we will just cross our fingers and hope that we get one that is big enough!
We bought a larger one for Harley and just used the divider when he was smaller. Now he's getting big enough that we've taken the divider out. He's a little over 20 pounds at 5 months and still growing.
Teddy only used his crate until about 6.5 months old when we got him fixed. Then he couldn't fit in it with his post surgical cone on his head - so we kept him out and he did fine so we never put him back in. He has slept on the floor of our room since then.



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