Check out how much Mickey has grown and I do not mean physcially although he has gained close to 10 lbs and grown close to 2"!! Three weeks ago Mickey was glued to the step in front of a mirror for 3 days. Today, he still is not a fan of new situations and people but give him a few minutes, and he is good to go!
Check this out - Mickey is REALLY playing with Samantha
And here he is with Charli. He really understands how to play with his older Aunt and the younger one. He is just a phenominal puppy!
The 3 of them are just fantastic. Charli hasn't learned social skills yet - Samantha really does not like her sharp puppy teeth bitten into her skin; when Samantha is napping it is not a great idea to jump on her to nibble her ears. She will!!
I just love sitting outside on the patio watching them play. Such innocence. Just warms the heart!!
Yes, that is it - he loves me & Mark but when Princess Samantha walks in the room, nothing else exsists for him. He even plays with Charli like they were littermates.
He is going to have to transfer that feeling of whatever it is Samantha holds for him to Marissa & Seamus. There are several DK members near them so they will have to have paydates for him. I think Spud (Joanne and Spud) will have to have his Mom make lots of playdates together.
Fantastic!! They look so awesome together. I can't believe how much Mickey has grown - he is so tall already, he is going to be a big boy! Charli is such a little butter ball, she looks so small compared to the other two. They all look so happy and are having so much fun. Well done you!
OMG.....They are so cute, I miss having a puppy. I bet you wind up keeping all three..........Samanytha looks like she loves her enlarged family. PS Barb finally listened and didnt give in to Lexi, she finally ate dog steak tonight!
These are great videos! I've taken some just like this of our dogs-all four. Everyone in the house comes running everytime they start playing and running--it's so much to watch them play!! :)
Mickey has really gotten big! My little doodle, Gracie, will be 9 wks old on Monday, has gained 4-4.5 lbs in three weeks!! Thanks for sharing.
What fun!! What gorgeous doods - all 3 of them!! Mickey is tall and leggy like Abby. They could be siblings. How much does Mickey weigh now? What does the double + 10 equal? Also is Charli pronounced with a CH or SH?