Anyone interested in a Doodle Day? Somewhere in the northwest suburbs or even in the city? I know there are some dog friendly bars. Or one of the dog parks? It woudn't be too hard to coordinate for a dog park outing, would it? Ideas? Dates? My Bailee needs to meet other Doodles or she is going to grow up thinking she is a Jack Russell (we have 2 of those also).
Hi Mandy! I coordinate the monthly doodle romp at the Lakewood Dog Park in Waucona (Fairfield Road, just north of Rt. 176). Send me your e-mail (either post here or send to and I will add you to the listserv and send you monthly reminders--and pictures from the romp! We're always looking for new doods to join the fun--I have a 4 year old goldendooodle who loves to make new friends! The romps are the last weekend of each month at 10 a.m.--alternating Saturdays in the even months and Sundays in the odd months (so as Trang said, the next one will be August 29).
FYI, there is a Poodle romp there every Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m.--and they are always very welcoming to our doodle when we happen to be there at the same time!
Sounds like a plan, can't wait to go! Bailee will be 5 mos by then; I'm sure she will be big enough to hold her own with the big dogs, at least for a little bit. Joan, do you know the day fee for non-residents for that dog park, and do I have to do it ahead of time or can I pay there?
Non-resident day fee is $10, and you can pay when you get there. There is a box near the park entrance with little envelopes; you fill out the stub and the info on the envelope, tear off the stub to hang from your car's rearview mirror, put your payment in the envelope, and drop it in the box. It takes a minute to do, be sure to have a pen & your dog's rabies tag number with you. They take checks, if you want to make it out ahead of time, make it payable to the Lake County Forest Preserves.
Thanks Karen! We may check out a Sat or Sun morning w/the poodles, too, but I definitely have the Doodle Romp on the calendar :) I'm an aspiring photographer, too, so I will bring my gear and take some pics to post on here!
We are having our second doodle romp this Sunday October 4th at 4pm in Algonquin.
If you are interested let me know. We do a pot luck, and the dogs have a wonderful wooded area and open field to play. Sorry for short notice, but I just joined DoodleKisses.
Lynda, Wilson, and Tia
Hi there! We would love to, but Algonquin is a hike for us and my husband needs to study - he's going for his Masters. Keep us posted for future gatherings though - we will try and get to one of them.
Hi Lynda - I would love to go, but it's my Dad's birthday and we are having dinner....I definitely want to come to the next one, though! I keep my horse in Barrington so Algonquin is not that far of a drive! Please post the next time/date/location so I can get it on my calendar!