Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Win Prizes from in Our Latest Scavenger Hunt Contest!!!

Light on the scavenging, high on the prizes! Enjoy our Scavenger Hunt Contest and Win some fabulous prizes from

1. A ladies large royal blue fleece vest with a cream curly doodle logo on it
2. A red handled canvas bag with a golden doodle on it
3. A black knit scarf with a doodle puppy face on it (light gold or cream)
4. A child's medium white polo shirt with a chocolate doodle on it
5. A child's white medium sweatshirt with a chocolate doodle on it

Are you ready to get started? are the steps:

1) Go to and find the DoodleKisses logo hidden on the site. HINT: it's on the first page of one of the top 8 tabs at the top of their page (Shop by Breed, Shop by...etc)

2) When you find the Doodle Kisses logo on the DoodleSport site, click on the logo to take you to instructions on what you have to do to enter the contest...

Good luck everyone!

This contest ends Thur, Aug 13 at 9pm PST. At that time this discussion will be closed to further entries.

THANK YOU TO AMY OF DOODLESPORT.COM FOR DONATING THESE PRIZES! Nearly all the items they sell can be personalized for you or for gifts for your dog loving friends!!!

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Ginger (upside down) is a 9 month old Golden Doodle and Oliver is a 2 Year old Golden Doodle.
Gingers favorite thing in the whole wide world is her big brother Oliver. He is everything in one package: he is someone to play with, snug with, sleep with, eat with, wrestle and romp with. What more could you ask for?!

Max or Star is only 4 weeks old so I don't have him yet. He is an F1 Golden doodle. We can't wait till he comes home.

Edgar is a F1 goldendoodle, who is now 8 1/2 months old. This is a picture of him and his "baby" when he was 8 weeks old. He still brings his baby to bed with him every night.

Cotton with Bosco, her most loved "Boy..." You know the word we can't say. Cotton is a 21 month old cream Labradoodle. Both of her parents are F1 Doodles their names are Kalie and Deacon. Cotton is such a laid back girl she lets the other dogs have all the playthings even when she may be enjoying one. She absolutely loves to run while her buddy Bosco chases her until they are so tired they must nap.

Baby Bella is my special F1 Goldendoodle who finally stopped chewing on mommy's bottle of perfume when she got her very own bottle of "Chewnel #5"

Nine month old Goldendoodle Hannah loves playing with her nine month old Goldendoodle brother Jake while Jake guards the goodies!
Hi - my name is Trevor and I am a F1 GoldenDoodle. Below is a photo of me catching my new frisbee, the
neighbor dog stole my old one and tore it apart! Catching frisbee is currently my favorite game to play, even
when I am in the house I shove it in my moms face so she will play with me.

It looks like Trevor has a slice of watermelon in his mouth. Too cute!

Here's Halas with his squirrels. He's loved them so much that he's in need of some replacement squirrels. Because he's into "tough love," Halas only gets to play with the squirrels for a little bit at a time. But when he has them, he carries the tree and squirrels around looking for a place to hide them. Halas is a mini F1 goldendoodle, weighing in at 26 lbs at nearly 2 years old.

Cali is a two year old Goldendoodle who loves carrying her baby around the house!!

This is 18 month old Goldendoodle BARNEY. He was only about 4 months old in this picture and he just loves his purple is rubber and it squeeks and he loves to drive us crazy with the wonderful noises he can make with it!!!

Fozzy Bear is an F1 Goldendoodle that we adopted from a rescue in January 2009. This is his first, and favorite toy in it's better days. It has been sewn and restuffed countless times now, but still his favorite.....maybe because it smells like mom Lauren.



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