Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone had any experience with kennel cough in their puppy? Just had my 10week old pup diagnosed today with it...he is on an antibiotic. I thought he had something "stuck" in his throat. We have had him two weeks today...this is the first time we have ever experienced this in the 30 years we've been married with one of our dogs. Our other two dogs have now been exposed to this. Thanks...Sara

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I have had that in several young puppies over the years. All recovered quickly with no problem. Your other dogs may be vaccinated for it. Otherwise as adults they may fight it off easier than the pup.. Like in people, be sure to use all the antibiotic even when he feels better.
One of my dogs got kennel cough (bordetella) even though he had been vaccinated. My other dog did not catch it. You described the symptoms exactly. He recovered just fine.
Charlie got this when she was a young puppy from Puppy Social Group. She recovered fine, and the other older dog I have never got it. Now they are both vaccinated for it. It sounds so uncomfortable and I felt pretty bad for her... But it did not last too long either.
Mickey had a horrendous case of kennel cough. Of course, spending 4 1/2 months in a PM and a shelter, it shouldn't be surprising. They must be treated with the correct antibiotic. Mickey was not which is why it got so bad. After hacking for 3 weeks he is fine with no lasting problems.

If we humans get a sinus infection and are treated with penicillan, the sinus infection may seem to get bettter but isn't really gone so you are going to have recurrent infections, If treated with an antibiotic for respiratory infections like biaxin (there are others) it will actually clear up.

It seems that like 'human flu' there are different strains of the bacteria. The one going around now is immune against the vaccine the dogs get - from what I have read.

The vet did not treat Samantha for it even though Mickey's case was so bad. I am happy to say she did not get it.
Sara, it is thought that the intranasal form of the bordatella (kennel cough) vaccine is more effective and less invasive than giving it in an injection. I don't know if that's the form your dog got. It's a good idea to get it on a separate visit from your dog's annual check-up, where it is often given along with other vaccines in a vaccination "cocktail". It is thought by some canine immunology specialists that this overloads the immune system and may reduce the effectiveness of the bordatella vaccine.
Mickey was also on Clavomox plus some pill which I don't remember the name of. The vet gave me several boxes of the Clavomox - just in case he needed more and saved me the trip - and the last one he did not need. The 2nd cough out of Charli's mouth had the Clovomox in it which of course was a Saturday night and did not require an ER vet visit so I started the meds. She did cough just a few more times over the next day but I finished the bottle and IF it really was KC it was treated so early it didn't have a chance to develop into any hacking!! Remember, she was also from a PM so I was taking no chances and didn't want to wait until Monday.
When Simon got kennel cough he had been vaccinated. Sometimes this happens. The vet did treat him with medicines and didn't wait for him to get over it on his own. Again, my other dog didn't get it.
Our pup had it when we rescued her, she recovered quickly and then was vaccinated against it.
You know I joined this group this evening because my 16 wk. old gd has kennel cough. She was diagnosed with it on Wed. when we went in for her 16 wk check up. I, too, thought she had something caught in her throat, but she wasn't eating less and I knew she had her appt. set up so I waited a couple of days. Her case wasn't bad, however, she now has some form of bad cold virus. Her meds have been changed to something that is stronger ( I don't have it in front of me, otherwise I would tell you what.) Her cough has decreased, I have only heard it twice today, but her nose has a lot of goopy mucus around it, she sneezes constantly, her fever is elevated a bit and she isn't eating right. If she isn't on the mend by Monday the vet wants to do a chest x-ray. Her lungs sounded clear this afternoon.

She was boarded for 5 days, but I think what got her was the grooming they did the morning we picked her up. I was suprised that the cough didn't appear until several days after we picked her up. The vet said that the stressful, strange environment can lower their amune system and of course there are different strains. I am sure Cimmy will be fine, but I hate seeing her go through this especially at such a young age.
It is heartbreaking to hear that cough - seems they try to cough up phlem but it just doesn't work. Happy to report that Mickey has no issues after being so sick for so long!
I hope Cimmy (and Mommy) feel better soon!!
Thanks, Adrianne and Sara. Whatever Cimmy is on seems to be doing wonders. I was told not to take her out of our yard for more than a week so we have been walking clockwise, then counter clockwise around our one acre yard. Today she seemed to eat a little better and then this evening while walking she was jumping and trying to run hard even though she was on a leash. Glad to see my baby back, though still sneezing and coughing a little.

I do feel guilty though. Our next door neighbors 6 month old puggle now has kennel cough. I even have pictures posted on here of Cimmy and Henry playing together the evening of the day she started to clear her throat or cough. We go to the same vet so he just gave them a prescription without the visit. Now I feel, Poor Henry!
I know that guilt - 2 of the girls Doodles friends got it from Mickey. Theirs was caught very early and are okay now but I can't help but feel the guilt.

Mickey was scratching more and more. After 3 visits to the same animal hospital in less than 1 week for the scratching (2 different vets saw him) and a shot of benadryl and medicated baths I took him to a new animal hospital where he was immediately diagnosed with sarcoptic mange. Talk about guilt - TG no one caught it from him! Samantha was treated even though she didn't display any symptoms with Revolution (the only topical that works on mange).



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