I searched this site and did not find any discussion on this topic as of yet. Ever since Timbow was a puppy he has had difficulty pooping. He goes outside and has to go 4 times before he is done and is obviously straining. I originally thought that he was constipated and gave him pumpkin. Although that helped a little, it did not solve the problem. I started paying closer attention to him and have noticed that it's not that he's not going, it's just taking him a while to finish. We have switched our food from Iams/Purina mix to Canidae so I don't think that is the problem. Does anyone know why he's having such a hard time? Is this normal?
Drizzle a little olive or flax seed oil over his food. Are you feeding just dry kibble? He may need some wet food. Sometimes a high protein diet can cause this, also. A high quality oil should help...loosen things up.
Pumpkin has the opposite effect on poop.....It will firm up runny stool.....As Lynne mentioned, some oil in the diet would help as would some yogurt......
Thank you! This is a great website! I do give Timbow yogurt, but only 3 to 4 times a week. I will start giving it to him every day or rotating that and olive oil and see if it helps. :-)
Fish oil is good for this, too. Make sure that Timbow is getting enough water, fluids play a major role in the elimination of waste material from the body.
Kyodophilis is really good for this. It is a combo of Acidophilis and other good bacterias. I give it to my daughter, but my vet has recommended it for my dog as well. Under 30 lbs sprinkle half in food, over 30 lbs sprinkle or give all to dog. It is a lot more potent than what is in yogurt, but same concept. You have seen the Activia yogurt? Same thing but better and much cheaper than giving one yogurt a day.