Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ok, I'm about to be 32 and I have four kids, yes four. My whole life I had a slender figure & ALWAYS sported a bikini in the summer months. Now, I hear that if you're over 30 you're too old to wear a bikini, oh my goodness did that make me feel bummed out.... Having a perky little 20 year ol Au Pair for the summer who looks astonashing in hers isn't helping.... My last daughte, (yup, they're all girls), is about 13 months old and I am so depressed that I way more now than I did when I brought her home from the hospital. Crap, I can't even blame it on baby weight! Ugh...... I guess I "wintered a little too well" this year up here in c-c-c-o-l-d New England... Oh well, this has nothing to do with Doodles really, hey wait, maybe it does! Why don't I blame this extra 15-20 pounds on the puppy, it's sort of like I'm pregnant, I mean, in a far-fetched sort of way. I AM in fact waiting to adopt and welcome a new little member into our family..... Yeah, that sounds good, I think I'll roll with that. I so wish that was the only rollin' going on, LOL....(pun intended) And in conclusion, I live in the country, we have a pool, and I am going to keep right on wearing my bikinis! I can't be too worried about a little tummy pooch, when I have a cutie-pa-tootie little Doodle Pooch "on the way", now can I?

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LOL. I assume that is you in the pic--don't lose weight, you look great. No way do you have 15-20 extra pounds. Seriously, you are skinny and have a chest--lucky!

After I finished nursing my third (and final), I had no more boobies at 31. I had also developed a chronic lung disease which caused me to drop pounds until I was at my junior high weight--not cute at all and I couldn't even shop at some stores anymore. Plus, my belly still flopped out cause the muscles were weak from three kids in four years.

I've since got the lungs under reasonable control and have been exercising like a nut. I am back up to my normal weight and muscle-y. The muscles are what matters for that baby belly anyway--unless you can afford/risk surgical removal of that extra skin. I am 34 and I wear a bikini even though my belly looks like crumpled tissue paper over a six-pack. Screw it, I am just happy to be healthy and even able to go to the pool with my kids.

Your puppy sounds very lucky to be going to such a big family! My doodle would kill (a bug, he is an insect-hunter) to go in your pool everyday. He has to be content with our plastic dog pool and the stream near our town library.
Yeah, the tummy pooch stinks, I had "diactusus rectus" or something; where the stomach muscles separate and don't come back together after having a bunch of babies...and it caused low back pain, they said I couldn't do crunches & stuff till I got the core muscles in shape, blah blah blah. But I throw hay with my husband (50 lb bales), and take the dogs for walks, so hopefully by the end of the fall I will have at least toned up a bit, and I am still nursing (1 year for all 4), so as soon as Laila is weened I'll be going back to my A & AA bras--P.S. It's a VS padded bikini (Ipex I think??) and I think I might have even been squeezing my arms together, for the photo, LMAO!!!!
Ok first clarify the pic. Is that you or the au pere? The chubby feet belong to ....? Either way you can always wear whatever you are comfortable in. Myself I prefer turtleneck swimsuit that covers me from ankle to throat! LOL. I have 4 boys! Trust me they are much harder on the body than 4 girls! ;o)
(it's me) I want a boy!!
Keep wearing that bikini, honey. Not only do you look great, but I am sure your husband appreciates it also! I wore bikinis until I was about 40 and then the body just doesn't look the same - unless you are Demi Moore!
I live in Vermont you know, the HOME of Ben & Jerry's! In fact, we even have an ice cream maker DH got for Fathers' Day. Yes, the picture is my, but I'm letting my kiddos hide my belly. Thank you for all the props everyone!! BTW, I wore the very same bikini last year while vacationing in the Riviera Maya, Mexico while 8 months pregnant! I got way more flack for that, LOL! Someone stole my camera, or I'd share pics of that too!!
Congrats on the new puppy.

I wore a bikini right up until I was in my 40s. I excercised daily and scuba dove 3 times daily, so was only 117 lbs at 5"9.

However my 50s brought about 50 additional pounds (after an accident that put me in a wheelchair for 54 years) so I am not wearing any bikinis now! LOL

You are young, enjoy running around buck-nekked if you want! LOLOL
Hey, if you're happy wearing a bikini, go for it. Being from England and going to the Med for lots of summer beach holidays, I've seen some sights, but it doesn't matter, it's all about getting that all over tan, or as much as you're prepared to bare.
Good grief, I think you look FABULOUS! Wear that bikini, girl! Like some others on here, I too am a victim of ice cream - any flavor, any time! I only weighed 110 when I got married 30 years ago, but I also seemed to have inherited my father's boobs (LOL). I finally grew them, but alas my belly has caught up and surpassed them. My bikini days are long gone (but I'm happy!), so enjoy life and don't worry about it!
Wow, I've only just seen the photo. You could go anywhere looking like have nothing to worry about.



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