Hi guys, I have a question...Ollie is now 17 weeks old and I still cannot tell what his coat will be...It is different all over, he is an F1 gd. He certainly is not curley, he is sort of wavy, and the hair on the top of his head looks like it will be shaggy...I wish I could get a picture on here, but there is something wrong with my picture transfer thingy, lol...Need my son to come over here and see what is happening...Adina tried to help, but that didn't work either...Anyway, I keep looking at everyones dogs, and I am trying to envision what Ollie will look like when his baby fur is all gone...He is going to be a big boy that is for sure, he is tall and long legged too...Big paws....I was wondering if any of you had some pictures of your golden doodles at 4-5 mos old that you could send me, or place here for me to see...I was hoping that he would be full shaggy or full wavy, but I don't think so...I think he might have more of a retriever coat..Flat, but with some waves?..But he is such a love, lol, and what a character!!!!...Thanks guys...Cheryl