Ok...new question. How old do you think a Doodle should be before testing for the CGC? Stella is a little over 8 months now and we have been taking obd. class for close to 4 months. She does well but I have heard that most people wait til the dog isn't a puppy, meaning a year or two old. Has anyone taking the CGC with their puppy? Would it benefit them to take it whether or not they are completly ready to get a good idea of what it is really like? The trainers have told us all what is required but I am nervous not knowing excatly how to do it.
I guess I want to know how do you see the CGC? What does it symbolize for you?
For me it was a stepping stone to help me decide whether he was ready for the Delta therapy dog evaluation or not. I think I took the CGC 2 weeks before the Delta eval. But I also wanted some affirmation of our training and the brag rights ;-)
I think if you are fairly confident that Stella embodies a "good citizen" and currently is capable of doing most of the things on the CGC then GO FOR IT to show off what little Stella can do--what you've taken the time to train her for. It's not even an obedience title, but a "I'm-a-well-mannered-dog-that's-under-control" certificate =) So given the 4 months of classes, I'd say that with a little concerted effort focus on the parts of the CGC that seem most daunting to you...you'd be FINE taking it now.
I can't remember how many tries you get on the CGC...I think you can take it twice. However, maybe better than taking it would be to inquire about a local CGC test coming up and go and WATCH it. Perhaps they'd even let you 'audit'.
I know some trainers recommend owners NOT take the CGC before 1 year...but to my knowledge the only reason for that is the fear that an owner will pass with their dog and then quit training thinking they are "done."
If anything Rosco was better behaved in real life than he was on the CGC--my nervousness I'm sure went down the leash! Yet we passed...so for us it wasn't a very shallow victory because he did just about as bad as a dog can do and still make it.
The reason for wanting to take the test are for the very same as you stated. I would like to try a bit of agility with her if she likes it and eventually I would like to get her into some type of therapy work. Of course the “bragging rights” are always nice too!
I guess I just worry, and like you said I am sure that will travel down the leash. Last night she was a complete mess for the lesson of the night. Although she was less of a mess than most of the dogs in there, none the less a mess in my mind. Most of the time she is right on cue, especially in class. It’s her moments out of class, when she knows that no treats are involved is when she loves to embarrass me the most. So in class 9 times out of 10 it’s a breeze for her. It is still that 1/10th of a time that she is every bit a puppy and just wants to play or jump on the other dogs and in general not listen. Then there was the meeting with a Briard breed dog. Now, one would think that since she loves other Doodles that this breed would look similar enough to pass for a dog… BUT NO! The ears apparently give them away and totally freeked her out. All she could do was sit and bark at him. Acting as scared as if it was a 6 inch horse! LOL. Oh gosh…. Maybe I should wait. I have till the 26th to decide for this go-round.
She really is such a great and smart dog. I bring her to work and she stays in my office with the door open watching people go by all day long (even without me in the room). She sits and sleeps right beside me when I am in there. She walks beside me and sits when I stops even without a leash when we go outside for breaks. She gets up and “kisses” my daughter when she cries. So, I feel she has all the makings of a good therapy dog. But I may be rushing her to grow up to soon.
Oh what to do… what to do!?!?
Abby told me to tell you to wait until you can get good behavior out of her outside of class. Petsmart, Home Depot, Lowes, parks, etc. I would go downtown and hail over ANY person I saw walking their dog. Of course the people I asked for help from all had out of control dogs. I'd say "Excuse me...could you..." and their dogs (who were 6 feet in front, tight leash) would drag them over while I tried to indicate I wanted to talk to the HUMAN not the dog first. Once I body blocked Rosco FIRST in order to talk to one dog's owner!
Good morning Belinda! Check out this link http://www.akc.org/events/cgc/index.cfm . Lot's of great info and a list of the test items. My Chloe passed at 6 months and Ruby (8 months at the time)performed all the obedience stuff like a circus monkey, but she just didn't like that stranger coming at her with a brush! Great idea from Adina to go watch a test first if you are uncomfortable. Another piece of advice, push your way in and try to go as close to the beginning as possible as the dogs get kind of squirrely just waiting around not being able to play with each other. :) Also, our local kennel club actually offers a CGC Class where all you do is practice the CGC test items like they are given on the test...but this does tend to be a real beginner class and may be overkill for Stella. Good Luck and let us know how it goes! Diane at www.delawarevalleylabradoodles.com
That is definitely the difficult part. For the CGC. I used a martingale collar (half nylon, half chain). Leashwalking was one of the hardest things for Steve and I kept him on a gentle leader a lot when he was younger especially out in public. I noticed about the time he turned two that leash walking seemed to click and now he is fine on just a regular collar. For the Delta test you can't use any type of collar with metal links. I used a all nylon martingale. You can use a gentle leader for the Delta test but if you test with it they have to visit with it. I hope this helps.
Permalink Reply by GBK on July 16, 2008 at 10:01am
Kona passed at 11 months. She went through puppy/beginners, and intermediate classes. They were testing one weekend and I just decided we would see how she does, she passed first try, little monkey :)
With Buddy we went through the CGC class which was 8 weeks once a week and they went through each test item to prepare them for the test. He was 1 1/2 years old and we failed the first time because he couldn't pass my being out of his site for the required 3 minutes. We worked on it, and he passed the second time, then passed the Therapy Dog Inc. test also. He is registered therapy, and really get's a kick out of visiting the rehab center, and loves children. I would love to get him involved in one of the reading programs.
You could take one of the CGC classes, and if you think Stella isn't prepared enough you could always wait on taking the test. This will let you know what she is capable of, and what you might need to work on to pass the test another day.
Good luck to you and Stella and keep us updated :)
OK.....I know both Jonah and I are blonde....however, we have NO IDEA what CGC is?
Could someone please define and describe?
Reading the posts I am thinking some sort of AKC training?
Sorry for that! CGC is the Canine Good Citizen. It is the first step in getting your dog into any therapy training. Plus it says “Look at my wonderful dog” LOL. All kidding aside it shows that you have taking the time to train your dog to the AKC standards of Canine Good Citizen whatever that is worth to you. I have actually seen on a breeders site where they give you back 1 or 2 hundred dollars that you paid for you dog if you get your CGC for your Doodle. That would be worth it right there!
When we went through CGC, I think the cost was only about $5-$10, not very much. So go take the test just for the experience. If you pass, great! If not, then you know what to work on for the next time.
I started Steve in Obedience at 12 weeks and he passed the CGC at 8 months. I like Adina pursued the CGC because I was working towards Delta registration. I thought because he passed the CGC that he would pass the Delta test but he took it and failed at a year old. The only part he failed was the walking past another dog part and because he showed interest in the other dog he failed immediately. The Delta test is very subjective based on who the evaluator is. When he took it again at 2 years old he passed with flying colors. We took it with a different evaluator and she said she was suprised he didn't pass the first time.