Does anyone here have a Doodle that has the condition where crystals grow in their bladder? If so, what are you doing (food, supplements, meds, etc...) to combat this issue?
Denise, can you give us more info? How do you know that crystals are growing in the bladder? Was there a problem and the vet did a urinalysis that indicated this?
Yes, she had a UTI at an early age and had a urinalysis done. After a while it was confirmed that they had this condition and have eaten Hill's CD food. We monitor their ph on a regular basis and now we have to add an amino acid gel to their food to help with a ph that has been rising. I am wondering if any other doodles have been diagnosed with this and what they do to combat it.
I just got back from the Vet today and had a urinalysis, and they found crystals in Hershey's urine. We left with Hills Science Diet and we go back in 10 day for another urinalysis. The Vet was very positive and felt that it could be controlled with diet.
If it's the diet, then I wish I knew what to look for in the ingredients, because I would find a food without it.
I hope it works for you. The CD usually works, but for some reason, it is spiking right now. That is why we are adding an amino acid gel to her food. Also, it was harder to maintain when we had them going through obedience as you had to give treats... mine know that CD is NOT a treat...we had to temper the treats and monitor the ph closer during those times. The vet told us that anything but CD, can counteract the effects of the food. Keep me posted, I would love to know if the CD works out for you. BTW... Hershey is a cutie.
Karol, please join the Food Group. Many of us who used Nutro for years have switched to better quality foods because of change in company ownership, suppliers in China, and ingredients. Nutro contains a number of chemicals which are known to cause liver and kidney disease, including menadione and ethoxyquin. Just changing to a higher quality premium food might help.
You can read much more about this in the Food Group.