Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

If you are IN a contest on another site and need voters (such as the cutest dog contest)

...OR if you enjoy voting for DK members who happen to be in contests on other sites

Join a new group just for keeping up to date on such matters:

I would like all those involved in contests that need votes to post in this group. And I'd love for all of you contest supporters to join up and support your DK members by joining this group.


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You mean that I can't set up the win $1,000,000,000 contest on DK that I was thinking of? Just as well since I hadn't thought up the rules or figured out where the money was coming from. But how about a Ponzi scheme? They're really popular right now. I would just have to recognize when to bail out for an idyllic island...Seriously, i think it's a good idea to separate this from the front page items.
Glad you like the idea...It was Rose who suggested it a while ago and I finally decided to throw it out there since contests tend to be off topic AND not really discussion topics at all but it's still nice to give members support in such things.
I feel it is not worth the time it took to set it up. In an ongoing contest ....Most of the people voting in these types of contest want to be able to see on a daily basis a reminder in the main forum. It is much easier to be able to click on it there than route through groups to find it and than be able to vote. Blogs are set up for people to be able to do this, and you also have new comers to DK who might want to vote, and would not be given the chance because it's hidden in a group. You still have the choice wether or not you want to be involved in it, no one is forcing anyone to read a blog or participate in anything they do not want to. If there are more than one person involved in the same contest, to cut down on the blog's, have them post all together and one person who will bring this forward daily should be in charge, not someone who says they will do this and does not. This contest is not OFF Topic either, it pertains to dogs here on DK
When you are a part of the group and you are interested in matters of the group, then by following the group you get email updates everytime somebody posts a comment or a new discussion. This would give those who are interested in contests and voting a chance to stay up to date. All they have to do is click on the email link and they are taken directly to the group.

Blogs are NOT meant as or set up to be daily reminders to members...they are intended for members to keep a public journal or diary, share a glimpse into one's life, share stories, etc.
Exactly you need to be part of a group and not everyone wants to be in a group like this for a contest. New DK Members won't know of this group either, or are you going to post everyday on new members pages Be sure to join this group if you like to vote in contest for all DK members who enter them, this is where they hang out and post. Maybe that is your idea of a blog, not necessarily everyone else's.
There are many things NEW members don't know about immediately. Voting for off-site contests is not immediately pertinent to new members nor is it the reason people join DK. So no, not all new members need to know about voting for other members in off-site contests as soon as they join.

All members are given info on how to use the site as a whole and have an opportunity to peruse groups and join the ones that interest them. If someone doesn't want to be a part of a group for voting, they don't have to be. Belonging to a group is no different than belonging to an email list for updates on things that are important to a person.

As far as defining 'blog' -- this [what I mentioned above] is how we have defined blogs for DK based on the commonly accepted definition and what we think works best for DK. It is similar to the merriam-webster definition.
Blogs are NOT meant as or set up to be daily reminders to members...they are intended for members to keep a public journal or diary, share a glimpse into one's life, share stories, etc.

As far as defining 'blog' -- this [what I mentioned above] is how we have defined blogs for DK based on the commonly accepted definition and what we think works best for DK. It is similar to the merriam-webster definition.

Main Entry: blog
Pronunciation: \ˈblȯg, ˈbläg\
Function: noun
Etymology: short for Weblog
Date: 1999
: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site

— blog·ger noun

— blog·ging noun

Main Entry: jour·nal
Pronunciation: \ˈjər-nəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, service book containing the day hours, from Anglo-French jurnal, from jurnal, adjective, daily, from Latin diurnalis, from diurnus of the day, from dies day — more at deity
Date: 15th century
1 a : a record of current transactions; especially : a book of original entry in double-entry bookkeeping b : an account of day-to-day events c : a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use d : a record of transactions kept by a deliberative or legislative body e : log 3 f : log 4
2 a : a daily newspaper b : a periodical dealing especially with matters of current interest
3 : the part of a rotating shaft, axle, roll, or spindle that turns in a bearing
So this is our personal journal as defined by Merriam-webster, which reflects our dogs being in a contest, their progress of this contest as their personal journal, inviting anyone who wants to vote, not telling anyone they have to vote, if it’s a perk that the blog is a reminder for those who want to vote than the blog serves more than one purpose, and as stated in the definition of a blog should have a hyperlink which is provide in our blog . This blog meets all the criteria of what a blog should be!


JOJO AND MOJO...I think as someone who is set up on this site to "CLOAK" under a different name, you really should mind your own business or post under your real name if your not to affarid to. Thats why your ignored and not added as a friend on my page, Also there is no reason for you to shout and honestly when you are doing this as others do in a post, you make yourselves look like idiot's. The point is I see it differently and I have just much right's to my views as anyone else on this site. End of discussion!
Absolutley a wonderful Idea Adina !!!!!
Can I please get a reminder on how to post a link that people can click on. I looked for the info and couldn't find it. Thanks
Hi Linda, when you do a link the top of this message is a sign with a link joining each other between the S and need to highlight your link and right click to copy it...than click on the might bring up a box that ask you to temporarly add it and you need to click on that. Than you need to highlight your link again and click on the link (chain)..another box will pop up and you paste your link there and ok it. It will than put what you need for the link in your text. Hope this helps....



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