Hi, I have a topic to bring up that I'm afraid might touch a few nerves, but I would like to have some feedback and friendly discussion nonetheless. When I started telling people we were getting an ALD puppy, half of the people were rude and judgmental--saying, "What are you thinking? Are you crazy?" referring to two things; the cost ($2500 + shipping) and to the work involved (I have 4 young daughters and two other big labs). Many told me horror stories about their most recent puppy experiences, and all the things that got ruined; carpet, shoes, furniture, etc., One young couple in particular, (DINKS--dual income, no kids), had a golden retriever puppy that was a disaster behaviorally and property-destruction wise for about 7 months. BUT the dog is in a kennel 9+ hours a day...
Ok, here it comes.... I personnally don't think it's fair to get a dog, then put it in a kennel all day; M-F. I would tear s*#@ up too if I was cooped up so much. I'm a stay at home mom, (I have a BS Business degree with a minor in human development & family studies, but chose to stay home after a few failed attempts at part time work. I finally discovered that God and my family were calling me home--but that;s another topic), and I am interacting with my dogs all day long. For example, when I'm pushing the kids in the swings, I am usually also brushing the labs with the undercoat rake, or curry comb. When I take a walk, I look like a dog walker with my double stroller. But it's fun, for me, my kids, and my dogs.
I'm going to try really hard not to sound judgmental here, but I'm going to apologize in advance if it comes across that way; I don't understand why people get dogs that they don't have time for? I just read over the re-homing discussion about helping members who might be on the fence, and it got me thinking about this issue. I'm really not trying to upset anyone, I know everyone has their own circumstances, I just wanted to put my two cents out there. Please don't get mad at me and post angry comments, (I WILL cry...)
I hope that my post has been tactful and non-judgmental, as that was my aim.