My photo contest ends on Sept 14th and I am behind again. I know some members voted for me and I thank them. I am now asking DK members to vote again. I thought you could only vote once but I was able to vote again.
Anyone who hasn't voted yet, I could really use your votes now.
Here is the link. Just click on the 5 stars to the right of my photo album. Thank you.
The link worked. But I couldn't vote again. I'm at the same computer I was at when I voted the first time, so maybe that's why. Were you maybe on a different computer when it let you vote for a 2nd time? I'll try from home tonight, and see if it will let me. I just love the pic where Finn is running into the back of Yankee! Maybe Adina can create a calendar with just doodle butts, and that pic can be in it.