Who could be mad at this face? ME! I am trying to do this obstinate bratty doodle a favor by spending a fortune to upgrade his food, and he is throwing a little fit and having a hunger strike. He wants his crappy chemically enhanced food back! Since he is at least 5# overweight (this can be verified by the husband of the administrator of DK, who felt the excess avoirdupois with his own hands), I am not too terribly worried about it. But Jackdoodle's picky ways are just driving me crazy! He has many times abruptly stopped eating some treat he had previously loved, running the other way when I take the bag
out of the pantry as if I were trying to poison him. He has marrow bones lying all over the house that he chewed for 15 minutes and then abandoned. He will sit in the doorway to the pantry and stare at me, past the full bowl of ultra-premium kibble and the scattered bones...what is it he wants? If it is to move to New Jersey, he is out of luck at the present time. He will not eat a carrot, a piece of banana, even a piece of cheese...but I have to hide in the bathroom to eat a tuna sandwich, and the sound of an egg cracking would summon him from another planet. He is the craziest dog I have ever had.
Boy, do I feel better getting that off my chest! C'mon, join me...no advice, no solutions, just a place to vent about your dog's crazy eating habits. (Things like socks and kids' toys count, too!) You know there's something your doodle does with food that drives you up a wall! How about that thing where they take the food out of their bowl piece by piece and carry it over to the rug to eat? Let's have a good whine fest, and maybe a few laughs while we're at it!