Hershey - the KONG destroyer - just got herself a nice big deer antler to play with. In 20 minutes, she was eating tiny pieces of it, scraping them off with her teeth. Is this normal? She hasn't broke a chunk off or anything, and there's nothing she could choke on.... Are they meant to be eaten?
I just took Guinness's antler away from him because of the same thing. Because of the scraping with his teeth he had made some really sharp points at the edge of the antler, and I was really worried it would cut the inside of his mouth.
Max has an antler but, he isn't a big chewer and he is a mini LD at that. However, have you tried the black extreme kongs? It's the only thing that has survived doggie daycare (where I work).
I use Elk antelers. They are pretty big. Charlie never broke off the piece since they are thick and big, she seems to just grind it down. She is just finishing up the first one I got her, which lasted about a month. Once this one get small enough to fit her mouth, I will take it and through it away, and give her a new one so that she will not swallow it. We never had deer antelers.... Because the one I saw was tiny and expensive....
PIper has many deer and elk antlers in her toy box. I would buy a new one when she got tired of the current one. Bailey has discovered the toy box and takes out the biggest antler he can find. As a 19 lbs mini, 21 week puppy, this is quit a feat!! I try to buy the largest in diameter antler I can get, and these are pretty heavy and long. I am guessing that Bailey likes the antlers more than any of his other toys.
Last night after a 3 mile walk when he usually would sleep, Bailey chewed on the antler for an hour and a half. I am happy to know that several antlers that Piper didn't like (she is very picky, I now know to take her with me when I buy new) have a new home with Bailey!
We have them at a few "hollistic" pet stores in town (I am in Nashville). They are sold by the pound - a small one could be $8, large ones much much more.