We are now accepting doodle photo submissions for our 2010 Doodle Kisses Calendar! The information below is very important, please don't just skim it...READ IT CAREFULLY!
Here is the criteria for photo submissions:
1) ***update*** YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF DK to be eligible--and YOUR doodle must be in the photo. This means, for example, if you have a friend with a doodle or are a breeder you may NOT submit a photo of a doodle you do not
currently own or a puppy that you are going to sell. Obviously if YOUR doodle is in a photo with a non-DK doodle that's fine. BUT YOUR doodle MUST be in the photo.
2) Photo must be high resolution. This means pretty much the photo should be straight out of your camera to your computer to me with NO size editing or cropping. Another way to know if your photo is high resolution is when you are looking at it in its FULL size...it should be bigger than your computer screen. If it's not, then it's too small and it will not be considered (this means no camera-phone photos).
3) Photos, of course, must be of excellent quality. Clear without any blurriness, good lighting. ***update*** think about not only how cute your doodle is but what's in the background.... If your doodle looks great but the background does not, is cluttered or detracts from the photo, rethink the photo. In the end it is subjective but it might help you in selecting what to submit.
4) No humans in the photo...only your doodle(s).
5) Professional photos are NOT necessary but acceptable. ***update*** By submitting photos taken by a professional photographer you are claiming you have the photographer's express permission to submit the photo for a calendar that will be sold. They own the copyright, even if they gave you the digital files. Unless you signed a contract with them that says otherwise, you need to have their express permission to use a photo in a product that will be sold. If you don't have this permission, get it or don't submit the photo.
6) A photo that shows your doodle clearly (face visible more or less--i.e. not turned away from the camera).
Photo Submission Process:
1) ONLY ONE PHOTO PER EMAIL, but you may submit as many as five emails total.
2) Send your photos to
___to be announced ___
3) Be sure to mention what type of doodle is in each photo (labradoodle, goldendoodle, whatadoodle?) and your DK profile name.
That's it!
Deadline for Submissions: October 15th, 2009---please bookmark this discussion or click "Follow" at the bottom of the thread to say up-to-date on any changes which DK Admin reserve the right to make at any time. It will be your responsibility to keep informed on this by reading through the responses to this discussion because these may contain clarification and additional tips. Selection of final calendar photos will be done by DK Admin and is subject to their best judgment
***As always a portion of proceeds from sales will be donated to rescue