Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Looks like we lost the weight up-date discussion some how.
I enjoyed checking into it every now and then, so I decided to make a vol. 2.
Charlie was 13.7lb @ 10 1/2 wks, 19.7lb @ 15wks, 22.3 lb @ 16 wks, 30lb @ 23 wks, and now 35lb @ 27 wks.

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I think Brewster has already arrived in that club!
Yay!!! Leo is 16 weeks old today! Using "the forumla" (double their weight and add 10 pounds) he will be around 63 pounds when full grown.

8 wks 10.2
10 wks 13.4
11 wks 16.2
12 wks 18
13 wks 20.6 and 16 inches tall
14 wks 22.8
15 wks 23.6; 17 inches tall
16 wks 26.2 pounds!
Cooper will be 10 months Nov. 1st and he is a big boy. He weighs 63lbs. He's tall but not sure I would have to measure him. He is such a cutie. He looks like a stuffed animal!!! LOL!!!

He is sooo cute! He is quite the poodly doodle! He looks so much like my mom's stardard poodle with her puppy cut. Love him!!
Cooper looks a lot like Leo! I love that "stuffed animal" look! The joke at our house is that Leo knows how to spell his name....he only had to learn one letter, so it's really not that impressive.
Are you sure you got a Doodle and not a Shetland Pony??? WOW!!!!

Its been a few months so I decided to let everyone know how Toby is growing.

11 lbs. at 8 weeks
18 lbs. at 13 weeks
22 lbs. at 15 weeks
25 lbs. at 17 weeks
27.5 lbs. at 19 and about 19 in. at the withers

Toby is 10 months now and has slowed down significantly. I honestly dont think he will put on any more wieght or grow in size. Right now he is 39 Lbs and 21 in at the withers. Of course he lost 1/2 lb after the haircut. ;)
Spud and I stopped in the vet today for heart worm meds. The Vet Tech said, I don't think we have to weigh him this time, he sure has grown and she guessed his weight at 65lbs. Standing next to a 100lb dog they looked similar and she used this as a comparison. Drum Roll..................................
11 months, 3 days old

Weight 50.1 lbs Balls of Pure Furr
Wither Height 25 inches
Good thing all that fur doesn't weigh much.
I finally got around to measuring Finn. He is 26 weeks old........21" and 46.5 lbs. He may outgrow Yankee who is 65lbs.
Charlie has not grown one bit since she was just about 8 months old. Now she is 10 months old, she is still at 22 inches and 42 lb! I think she is done growning.... I picked the smaller female of the litter because I did not want 80 pounder. I guess it worked out for me!
LADY PERI'S GROWTH (obviously she is a mini!)
Weight at 9 weeks: 7.03 pounds
Weight at 10 weeks: 7.80 pounds
Weight at 12 weeks: 9.44 pounds
Weight at 14 weeks: about 12 pounds
Weight at 16 weeks: 13.41 pounds
Weight at 20 weeks: 15 pounds
Weight at 23 weeks: 16 pounds
Weight at 6 months: 16.8 pounds
Weight at 7 months: 20 pounds and about 16 inches tall



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