Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am very sorry to tell you all that Zsa Zsa was hit by a car and killed today.
She was seen trotting along a highway, and by the time her family was notified, she had been hit. We are all grieving along with her adoptive family.
Jacquie and everyone at the DRC have asked me to thank all of you for your concern and prayers throughout this ordeal. Zsa Zsa's ordeal is over. She is at The Rainbow Bridge now, playing happily with all the loved dogs that are there waiting for all of us. She will never be frightened or alone again.
On behalf of the DRC, thank you all so much for your support. I am sure Zsa Zsa knows how many people are thinking about her.

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: (
I'm so sorry
Oh, no! I'm so sorry. I kept praying that she was going to be found eventually. I know that everyone was doing everything they could to get her reunited with her new family. She's in a much better place now, but it's just so sad that she didn't get to enjoy being part of a family. But at least the DRC gave her that chance.
I am so sorry it had to end this way for her. May she RIP.
No, it was very quick; she didn't feel a thing.
I am so sorry. I was hoping so much for a happy outcome. Thanks to the DRC and the adoptive family for trying to help Zsa Zsa find a home. Bless you all!
I'm so sorry :-(
It is very sad about Zsa Zsa. I also feel sorry for the driver who no doubt could not have avoided her and is shaken up.
I am so sorry! I looked on here everyday hoping you would be able to find her and bring her home.
OMG, tears are streaming down my face. How terrible that Zsa-Zsa was never able to have the happy home she deserved. So So sad :'-(
From Kim Konradi, Zsa Zsa's foster mom, and the DRC directors:

Rescuers are an interesting group of people. Passion is sometimes an understatement. Rescuers aren't only the individuals who are a part of an "agency" who fill out the forms and pull from the shelters.

A rescuer can take the role of the woman who owns cats but drives on her day off to wave a rotisserie chicken through the woods to look for a lost dog.

A rescuer can be the 10-year-old girl who puts up the posters and the updated posters and the updated updated posters.

A rescuer can be the one a thousand miles away that says at least one prayer per day for the safe return of a lost pet.

On behalf of the DRC, we want to thank all the rescuers who helped us in the search for Zsa Zsa, the beautiful silver labradoodle that was lost soon after joining her forever family when she spooked and bolted. It is truly amazing that so many individuals, so many RESCUERS, were involved in trying to save this dog, going beyond what any of us could have anticipated.

So many people answered the plea for help. The hours spent on the search were staggering.

The adoptive family's neighborhood became quite involved in the search as well. Sighting after sighting were called in to them, only to have Zsa Zsa dart for cover in the woods attached to the neighorhood. Another call came in today that she had been seen near the highway. The husband and wife loaded into the car once again to try to get to her.

Before reaching the site, another call came in. Absolutely not the call that one wanted to hear, but they were informed that Zsa Zsa had been hit by a car. She was killed instantly.

The couple called in for local police help while they wrapped her in a blanket and took her for the first and last visit to what would have been her vet. They kept her collar as a tangible momento of the love that they had for the dog they knew so shortly, but loved so much.

The family have two school-aged children who were taken out of their classrooms today, taken home and told the news. Please say a prayer for this family's healing.

And while you are praying for them, thank God or the one to whom you pray that Zsa Zsa touched lives while she was with us. As her first and only foster home, We can tell you she was a very special beautiful pet.

With heavy hearts and many tears,

The Doodle Rescue Collective
You are all such wonderful people !!! I would only hope that I could do some small thing to of helped more, but my prayers and hope was all I could offer. Bless you all and know that Zsa-Zsa has touched a lot of hearts here on DK and none of us ever knew her, but felt like we did. God Bless you all
Isn't it amazing when a tragedy happens, strangers pull together like the woman waving chicken while searching, the children who made posters, all the other strangers who took part in the search and all the thoughts and prayers from DK and DRC members from all over the world for one little Doodle?!?!

I am devasted that Zsa Zsa never had the opportunity to live a life like my girls do! As I write this through tears I am 'happy' that she passed without any more pain. Zsa Zsa had enough pain in her short life.

I never met Zsa Zsa but she wormed her way into my heart with her story from the day she and the other girls were rescued by Kim. Each doodle that the DRC rescues has a place in my heart. Each one has a story that we will never be able to know the 'before' but we can certainly can help to make the last chapters a happy and healthy one.

Kiss and hug your doodle in honor of Zsa Zsa! Share her story to keep her memory alive!



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