Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Missy & Daisy
  • Female
  • Anoka, MN
  • United States
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Missy & Daisy's Friends

  • Brittany, Wilson & Chloe
  • William
  • Lona and Bogart
  • Zoey's Inspirations
  • karleen n. and Payten
  • Dreamydoodles Northwest
  • Bev and WILLY
  • Joanne ~ Spud*
  • Paul & Michele
  • Kemp Rader
  • Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis
  • Elizabeth
  • Denise, Winnie, and AngelAbby
  • Missi

Daisy's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am the mother of Brittany - a high school senior, an 8 year old cockatiel named Kletis and Daisy our 1 year old golden-doodle. My husband and I have been married for 19 years. Brittany graduates this year and will be starting college. Thanks to Liz & Sophie and Denise & Abby for telling us about It's been a blast!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have a golendoodle named Daisy, she was a year old on October 7th. Now Miss Daisy is full of energy, wants to play all the time. She is a people dog and wants to be with us 24/7. I have done many classes with her - Puppy kindergarten, puppy agility, basic obedience & intermediate obedience. We will be starting our Therapy class in January. Kletis our cockatiel is a crabby little bird but we love him anyway. He likes to whistle and dance and torment Daisy from his cage. I have to really watch Daisy whenever Kletis is out of his cage, she chases him around the house. YIKES!

Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
They don't shed much and they are so darn cute.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
She loves to chase her ball. Who ever invented the chuck-it was genius. Oh, and hide and seek - she finds me every time. She likes when I hide her chewie-chewie (nylabone) and her blankie (she's had many - she likes to rip them apart) and find them. She is really good at it.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Scissor Wizards - Lisa is great
Favorite Doodle Products?
Relationship Status:
PitaPata Dog tickers

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Missy & Daisy's Blog

Daisy's Christmas presents

Posted on December 24, 2009 at 6:24am 9 Comments

Happy Holiday's to all of you. I had to share this funny little story. Poor Daisy is in a real funk. Last week she got to open presents at my Mothers home and she LOVED it. We kept rewrapping them so she could open more - LOL! Well, yesterday I finally wrapped all her presents and put them under the Christmas tree. She tried open them at first, Doug and I had to tell her that she had to wait. So she has sniffed them, moved them around, sniffed them, moved them some more but she has not opened… Continue

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At 9:25pm on November 15, 2010, Paul & Michele said…
To join the card exchange...........Go to holiday card group 2010 (you can search it under groups) and request to join that group even though it is full you will be put on a waiting list and if they don't get enough members to make a group B they will add you to Group A so you don't miss out on all the fun. This way they have your name and know that you are definately interested.
At 6:34am on April 21, 2010, Denise, Winnie, and AngelAbby said…

Well, spring is finally here... we will have to get our girls together soon.
At 4:44am on January 19, 2010, Zoey's Inspirations said…
At 4:07pm on January 10, 2010, Denise, Winnie, and AngelAbby said…
Well, hello there. I was hoping we could get together over the holidays but time got away from me!! It's terrible how fast that time goes! I read on Elk Rivers training that Abby would have had to have the beginner and intermediate training before they would let her do the therapy training. Is Daisy enjoying her lessons??
I hope you all had a nice Christmas - and staying warm in this freezer we call Minnesota!! LOL Take care.
At 12:18pm on January 5, 2010, Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis said…
We are training Annie in our back yard with small jumps and tunnels. She is not quite old enough to go to trials.
At 7:22am on January 4, 2010, Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis said…
congrats on being featured!!!!

At 8:33am on January 1, 2010, Zoey's Inspirations said…
At 6:21am on December 25, 2009, Zoey's Inspirations said…
Thanks for the cute reindeer.
At 2:41pm on December 24, 2009, Denise, Winnie, and AngelAbby gave Missy & Daisy a gift
At 5:45am on December 23, 2009, Joanne ~ Spud* said…
The link below is not working. Here is the correct link.


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