Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Happy Holiday's to all of you. I had to share this funny little story. Poor Daisy is in a real funk. Last week she got to open presents at my Mothers home and she LOVED it. We kept rewrapping them so she could open more - LOL! Well, yesterday I finally wrapped all her presents and put them under the Christmas tree. She tried open them at first, Doug and I had to tell her that she had to wait. So she has sniffed them, moved them around, sniffed them, moved them some more but she has not opened them. She doesn't touch anyone's but hers. So all afternoon and last night she would not leave the Christmas tree. I had to beg and bribe her to go out for a potty break, a few minutes to become a snow mole and run zoomies around the yard. The weather here in MN is pretty icky, we are getting lots of snow so we took our daughter to work and picked her up yesterday. When we got home there was no doodle waiting for us at the door. Where was Daisy? When she hears someone come home she is at the door barking and going crazy to see us. Well...........She was still in her same spot right next to her presents under the tree. I assumed that she would have opened them while we were gone but instead she had her little head laying on one of them, looking at us with those "please let me open them eyes". She looks at us and then looks at her gifts and looks at us and back at her gifts. This morning she is still in her spot guarding her presents under the Christmas tree. She has been so patient just waiting until she can open them. I'm going to have to give in this morning and let her open one. She such a funny little doodle and she makes us laugh daily. Merry Christmas to all of you - I hope that you and your doodle families get everything you want for Christmas and make wonderful Holiday memories.

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Comment by Denise, Winnie, and AngelAbby on January 10, 2010 at 4:01pm
oh my!! what a cute story!!! She is definitely a sweetie!! What a good girl! She is such a wonderful dog.
Comment by Leslie and Halas on December 26, 2009 at 7:40pm
What a good girl! We know she was on Santa's NICE list!
Comment by Missy & Daisy on December 25, 2009 at 5:55am
Miss Daisy is a wonderful Doodle, she is very smart. She is the love of our lives! We let her open one yesterday because she was being so good. It was a toy dog bone/ball/treat all mixed in one. She loved it and ate the treat part right away. I never thought that she would "leave it" and not open them in a million years. I guess all that $$ in obedience classes paid off. Hopefully she will be this good when we start our Therapy class in January. Merry Christmas!
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on December 24, 2009 at 11:54pm
What a wonderful dog! I know Ned would at least peak in the wrappings! LOL
Comment by DeeDee and Sheila on December 24, 2009 at 9:51pm
That is unbelievable. I have had many dogs over the years and none would come close to this kind of restraint. And she DOES look sad. Poor Daisy. I wish I could see how happy she will be Christmas morning (in a few hrs). Precious.
Comment by Kyoko on December 24, 2009 at 5:51pm
How Cute is that!I hope Santa brought you a wonderful gift!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on December 24, 2009 at 3:51pm
LOL- this is a first for me! A doodle who knows which presents are hers and is patiently waiting to open them!
Merry Christmas, Daisy!
Comment by Dan, Judi, & Timbow on December 24, 2009 at 8:19am
That is the sweetest little face!! What a great story and what a well behaved doodle.
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on December 24, 2009 at 7:16am
What a cute story. Daisy is so smart, and such a good girl. My Dood would have had them opened the minute we left the house...he's sneaky like that. He figures if I can't see him, anything goes. It will be so much fun when she finally gets to open them...have a GREAT Christmas!


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