Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Denise Mabie
  • Female
  • Chico,CA
  • United States
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Denise Mabie replied to Ellen's discussion 9 months old and the honeymoon is over! need help keeping doodle occupied! in the group Puppy Madness
"How long are her walks? I’ve noticed that I need to walk my girl for at least an hour in the morning. Otherwise she’s constantly bringing us her toys to throw or ringing the bell to be taken outside.  "
Jul 20, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Denise Mabie's discussion Eating grass in the group The Food Group
"I'm pretty convinced Riley is one of those garbage disposal type dogs.  I have yet to see her refuse to eat anything even remotely edible.  It's a good news/bad news type situation because she tends to eat (or attempt to eat) a…"
Jun 13, 2019
Becka replied to Denise Mabie's discussion Eating grass in the group The Food Group
"Sadie loves to eat grass, and she's even particular about which grass she'll eat--only certain parts of the yard are delicious, apparently. She also ate a dried blueberry today, after much tasting, testing, and spitting out! "
Jun 13, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Denise Mabie's discussion Eating grass in the group The Food Group
"I've always learned that dogs are omnivores.  Definitely more on the meat side than we are but all you have to do is look at their teeth to know.  If you want to see a carnivore's teeth look at a shark or crocodile:p I mean Riley…"
Jun 12, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Denise Mabie's discussion Eating grass in the group The Food Group
"I have a goat here, too. We've had tons of rain and my yard is full of weeds; there is one particular type that Jasper just loves, and he grazes on them every chance he gets. It's clear that he's doing it because he likes the taste of…"
Jun 12, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Denise Mabie's discussion Eating grass in the group The Food Group
"Reviving this discussion since Riley has decided grass is her new favorite snack.  She doesn't vomit, just seems to like the taste maybe? She would sit outside and graze all day like a cow I'd I let seems the grass eating…"
Jun 12, 2019

Profile Information

About Me:
I’m a daughter of the King of Kings. Saved by the mercy and grace of my Lord Jesus Christ. Wife to an amazing husband. Mother of 5 great kiddos. And Nana to the sweetest grandson ever. I homeschool my two youngest kiddos and my grandson.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We are the proud owners of our adorable chocolate labradoodle Cocoa. She’s our first labradoodle. We also have a cat, guinea pigs, chickens and pigeons.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Primarily because they are said to be non shedding and great family dogs.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We’re pretty new to this and she’s not fully vaccinated so our activities at this point are pretty limited.

I am enjoying training her. She’s super smart. It also fun just to watch her play. She is hilarious!
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