Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Heather Hale
  • Female
  • Bakersfield, CA
  • United States
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Heather Hale's Friends

  • Wren Owens
  • Becky Meddleton
  • John Wolpert
  • Lisa Beillen
  • PhIl Lobel
  • Sue, Murphy and Bella    ()*o*()
  • Dana
  • Pat Garcia
  • Jana Farr
  • Brandi Shurtz-Huffmaster
  • Gail Groeneveld
  • Jacquie Yorke (DRC)
  • Sam & Paolo
  • Libby, Rufus & Jacoby
  • Patty Barnes

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Profile Information

About Me:
A little about me : I am a proud wife and mother of 5 amazing kids 22, 20, 10, 8, and 7. 4 of my 5 kids are adopted, That's why the math doesn't add up on the older girls. =) I am a part time Dental Hygienist and full time, taxi, pooper scooper, groomer and whatever else needs to be done at the moment. =) I have been breeding Labradoodles since 2001. I am one of the original breeders here on the west coast. I have bred both American and Australian lines in the past but am focused on just Australian now. The quest to find a dog my husband and oldest son could tolerate, since both have allergies to dogs, lead us to the Labradoodle. We feel in love and never looked back. We enjoy all of what dog breeding brings to our family.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Mini, Medium and Standard, Australian Labradoodles... I love them all =)
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My husband and oldest son are allergic to dogs.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Vacation at the Beach or Lake...
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Me sometimes and my fantastic groomer Judy=)
Favorite Doodle Products?
Cowboy Magic... I could never groom my dogs without it =) Everyone who grooms thier doodle should get it.....
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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Comment Wall (26 comments)

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At 4:59pm on August 13, 2012, Camille Brown said…

Heather, if you will look at my picture of Gabby, you won't believe that this is the little puppy that you put on the plane in January!  She is the off-spring of Chulita & Slim from the 10/27/11 litter, Girl 374.  We picked her up at DFW in January.  We absolutely love her and she has brought us nothing but non-stop joy.  At the time when she arrived my father was in the last few weeks of life and she was such a  spark of brightness in a time of darkness for us all.  We couldn't be happier and thank you for breeding such a terrific puppy!  Camille Brown

At 11:56am on February 13, 2009, GBK said…

At 12:17pm on November 1, 2008, Becky Meddleton said…
Hi Heather,

I didn't know your children were adopted. So are mine! Love the photos of your dogs
At 8:53am on October 27, 2008, John Wolpert said…
Jen and Mo are doing great! That picture of me with Mo and Walter and their friend Rocky was taken by Jen at the Pasadena Humane Society Dog Walk fundraising event.
At 8:57pm on October 26, 2008, Lisa Beillen said…
Hey, Heather. I had a feeling you'd use her name!! It is absolutely true that the puppy chooses you. This baby is such a perfect match for me. I am so in love. She got car sick when your hubby brought her to LA and though she started out drooling a lot and vomiting once in my car, she's getting over it with lots of rides to fun places. I'll keep you posted on her progress!
At 10:47am on October 14, 2008, Patty Barnes said…
Hi Heather. How did you enjoy the ALAA Roundtable? I have been thinking of you since I heard you were going. Tell all!
At 4:38pm on September 29, 2008, Jacque Reynolds said…
Gosh, you have gorgeous dogs!
At 4:35pm on September 29, 2008, Jacque Reynolds said…
Hi Heather,
I checked in the breeder's forum and it looks like you are a member! You may have clicked on a link that wasn't too identifiable...but you are there. If you can't get into the group, please let me know! We have had problems with that and others have been able to work it through...
At 1:36pm on September 29, 2008, Rochelle Woods said…
Very cute! He is definitely a nice looking boy. : )
At 12:41pm on September 29, 2008, Rochelle Woods said…
Where is his picture? I just checked the available breeders page and it's the same puppy one as before. I'd LOVE to see what he is looking like now! : )


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