Husband and I have six children, five still at home, waited a long time to choose a dog breed that is good with children and won't trigger their allergies.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have recently purchased a male puppy from Stroodles Doodles in Ok., and we then decided on a female from Apple Creek Doodles in Michigan. We will recieve them 12/23 just in time for Christmas. Names to be determined.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Non-shedding, looks, temperament.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
It's pretty simple to add pictures-when you go to the comment box there is a tool bar on top that says link in the first box-then the second box is the one to click on. Then browse your computer files and select it when it comes up hit ok and add comment. Good luck!
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What an exciting time, Kathi! You will be busy for sure, but it will be great! I love having 2 works really well and they adore each other.
Welcome to DoodleKisses! This is such a wonderful group of people and pups!
18 days and counting until puppies arrival date!!! I can't stop looking at pictures and videos on the breeders' websites.
It's pretty simple to add pictures-when you go to the comment box there is a tool bar on top that says link in the first box-then the second box is the one to click on. Then browse your computer files and select it when it comes up hit ok and add comment. Good luck!
Hi Kathleen, sounds like you will have your hands full this christmas with your 2 doodle puppies!
Hi Kathy! Has the breeder sent you any pictures of the puppies yet? I'd love to see them! (Welcome, by the way!)
Welcome to Doodlekisses Kathleen. Always great to welcome another local member. Have fun meeting everyone and exploring a great site.
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