Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Pam, Latte and Summer
  • Female
  • Mountain Home, AR
  • United States
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  • Sharyn Jensen
  • Michelle
  • Adina P

Pam, Latte and Summer's Discussions

Zinc deficiency

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle Apr 8, 2010. 13 Replies

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Pam, Latte and Summer's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Married, 0 children, worked as a RN since 1975. Presently
working in an ambulatory surgery center. There has
been a dog around my house since I can remember. My
husband and I adopted our first Labradoodle in 2004
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have two F1b female labradoodles. Latte is chocolate and
was born 6/20/13. She loves her frisbee and playing with
Summer. Summer is light caramel and was born 1/25/15. She
loves everybody, is full of energy. We lost our first labradoodle,
Sunni, in Feb.2015 at age 11 and our second, Bella in 2013 at
age 5. Bella's cause of death was never diagnosed. Too sad!
We also have a cat, Frankie that the girls like to torment.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My husband first heard about the doodle on the Bob and Tom
show. Then we got on the internet for more information. The one thing that got my attention was that they were smart and loyal. They are also beautiful and
now that I have had 4 over the past several years I've discovered their personalities are all unique.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Cuddling for sure. Playing frisbee and going for walks.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
My husband, and the groomer
Favorite Doodle Products?
Le Pooche brush, a must!
Frontline plus
any assortment of treats, none from China
Relationship Status:

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Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 12:03pm on November 16, 2009, Annie Starlight Dancer Hovis said…
We would like to invite u 2 The Cream and White Doodles Group!!!
At 7:46am on April 1, 2009, Michelle said…
Ok you have to come over and see Zac's new pet!!! It's a surprise and totally funny! Bella was over last night and they were having a blast! The girls really have fun playing with her! I'm gonna stop over this evening so I'll see ya then! Hopefully it's going to start getting warmer and we can enjoy the lake!
At 7:43am on March 5, 2009, Michelle said…
Ha Bella was running like crazy with the girls this morning!! I have to watch Angel because she will follow Bella back across the street! They were running and have so much fun this morning! I told Nick the other day Bella came and put her paws up on the front door wanting the girls to come out, it was so cute! Hope you are having a great week, since we are supposed to have nice weather hopefully I'll see you guys this weekend!
At 5:53pm on February 6, 2009, Paul & Michele said…
Your dogs are very cute!! You have alot of nice pictures posted.....
At 1:55pm on February 2, 2009, Joyce Griggs said…
Thank you for your message. I am considering getting a labradoodle, but the breeders I have contacted all insist on neutering/spaying the puppies at 8 weeks. I am very concerned about that and have always believed the procedure should take place at 6 months. Any thoughts?
At 8:19am on January 7, 2009, Michelle said…
OMG Angel is almost as big as Sunni! I cannot believe how much she has grown in the past two weeks. I will stop over this evening when I get home from work. Hope you are having a great week!

At 10:33am on December 22, 2008, Michelle said…
Thanks Pam and thanks so much for the treats for the girls!! They already love the Kong ;-)

We missed ya Saturday night and I hope you get to feeling better. We have all been sick and the boys are home sick today.

Feel better and I'll try to get some more pics up when I get home from work!
At 8:42pm on December 9, 2008, Eva said…
Hi Pam,
The other blonde doodle on the page was a playmate at the park from last week. In our pic's the doodle with the sweater on is Malibu's best friend.
I did labor and delivery nursing for 23 years now, and as of 3 months ago I changed to work in a perinatologists office doing office work, doing monitoring and ultrasounds. Soooo much better and less stress. Plus it's great having a set schedule, weekends off, etc. It's weird to make a change, but once done, not bad at all.
You have some pretty funny posed pic's of your kids on the page. I like the one with the beer too. hehe. Lucky dogs. Talk to you soon, Eva
At 8:37am on December 9, 2008, Eva said…
Hey there Pam
Hi from another RN in Nevada. I only have 1 doodle, but am working up to getting another one. ( actually more convincing the husband of it). He is worried with 2 very very active doodles being in the house, and of how much attention our current doodle needs. lol. Mine loves to swim in our backyard pool and at the lake and beach when she gets to southern California. Even a garden hose will work for her to make her happy. She even drinks crazily from water fountains at the park. Those crazy doodles. Nice pictures of the kids in the boat. Eva
At 7:21am on November 12, 2008, Jan said…
Pam, We got Hershey from Arkansas. My husband and I did a weekend trip in Branson, and then went to pick her out. Couldn't find any mini doodles near St. Louis. She's about 23 lbs. perfect size for us!!


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