Show me your doodle and I'll show you mine!
Profile Information
About Me:
I was Born and raised in San Francisco, California and moved to Portland Oregon 5 years ago for work. I have had dogs around me my entire life. I was raised around large black labs and golden retrievers. I knew my life would be surrounded by dogs in one way or another. After college I decided to take in abused dogs through a rescue program and did that for 4 years. The last dog I rescued was so abused that we ended up bonding too much to let her go so she has been with me for over 9 years now. I am currently screening our dogs for a service dog that I can personally train for the next 2 years to assist my nephew in Washington who is autistic. I enjoy cooking, outdoor activities and spending time with my partner Scott and our dogs.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
My partner Scott and I breed Multi-Gen Australian Labradoodles under the watchful eye of Sheila who is the owner of OregonLabradoodles. We currently have 3 Doodles. Logan is our stud. He has a standard with a chalk-white fleece/wool coat and a pink nose. He produces some of the best looking pups I have ever seen. Oh course I may have a bias. We also have two females. One female is Celie who is our medium black fleece baby girl. Celie just had her first litter and she is such a great mom. We also have a standard lavender female named Kia. She came to us from Tegan Park over the summer and she is still getting used to the United States, especially here in the rainy NW. Kia just had her first litter here in the states and she is such a great mom as well. We also have a non-doodle pup named Maggie. I say pup because she has always been my baby girl but she is going on 10 years old now. She is a shepard/collie mix that I rescued while in Cali.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Because of their personalities. They are so lovable and comical. Also the fact that our Australian Labradoodles don't shed and have fleece coats was a huge plus. I like their unique look and temperment. Scott and I get stopped all the time in Home Depot, PetSmart or wherever we take our dogs and are asked what type of dogs these are.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Lounge around the house is huge for me. I love to snuggle up with them and watch a tv show or movie by the fire. Their fleece coats are so comfy. I also like to go for walks, go shopping wherever they are welcome, go to the beach, and play fetch. I absolutely love watching them swim. Throwing the ball out into the water and watching them all go for it. I usually smile or laugh when they try and help each other carry it back to land. It's still cracks me up!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Jodies Tender Groom, Portland Oregon
Favorite Doodle Products?
Kong and Tuff Balls products. My doodles tend to tear all other toys open. These are the brands that seem to last the longest in our house and yards.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
Hi Robert! I'm so excited to see Ukon next week. I hope he's feeling well today. I keep picturing how happy Murphy will be when we bring the puppy home. Even though we're only about 35 minutes from Newark Airport I know it's going to feel like forever. Murphy will definitely have a big smile on his face when Ukon walks in the door. Your dogs are so beautiful and their temperments seem to be wonderful. Just what I've been looking for, for a very long time. We can't wait to give him lots of hugs and kisses. Thank you so much! You'll definitely have to come visit with us when you're in Maryland. My sister lives about 45 minutes from Baltimore, so maybe we could meet there. Jan
Murphy's father is an English Golden Retreiver. They have a boxier build and I think shorter legs. I also think that the personality is a bit more layed back. I love the doodles that have english fathers. Thanks for being our friend. I hope one of your doodle puppies goes to the White House, I am anxious to hear.
Wow, I've never heard of a lavender doodle before. Can't wait to see a pic of her! If you're ever running around the Clinton/Ladd's Addition area we should set up a playdate. Oski loves playing with other doodles :)
Hi Robert, I watched the video clip and read your letter to the Obama girls. That is so exciting!! Your puppies are beautiful! Welcome to DoodleKisses!
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That sounds like a riddle: What do you get when you cross a blue poodle with a lab? A lavender doodle! LOL
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