Toby, I live in Glendale with my poo-mix - possible lab or golden doodle. He is a rescue so I don't know for sure. Anyway, maybe we can meet up and go for a walk in Griffith Park. I don't frequent the dog parks so much, the Silverlake one especially seems filthy. The few times I've been there I spend my time picking up the dog poop that people don't seem to think is their responsibility. I know there are some other doodles in Los Feliz too, but I don't know if they are on this list or not. Let me know if you are interested in a Griffith Park walk though.
Welcome to Doodlekisses, Toby! We are new owners of a labradoodle puppy, and we have found this group to be very fun, friendly, and helpful. It's nice to see some more New York City folks on the line! Enjoy.
Tam, I too have a doodle with a sensitive stomach. One doodle does great with almost everything I feed him, but one can not tolerate a switch in his diet or any changes in his feeding.
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Thanks for the offer of the dog food list. My email address is:
Tam, I too have a doodle with a sensitive stomach. One doodle does great with almost everything I feed him, but one can not tolerate a switch in his diet or any changes in his feeding.
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