Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I can't focus at work today as I'm too excited about my house! I loved this story and thought you guys would too :o)  


Moose bonds with canoeist after rescue

Posted: Jun 14, 2012 3:50 PM ET

Last Updated: Jun 14, 2012 4:36 PM ET

Gord Martin comforts a baby moose after rescuing it from a strong current in Black River, in northwestern Ontario. Gord Martin comforts a baby moose after rescuing it from a strong current in Black River, in northwestern Ontario. (Bonnie Couchie)
A pair of veteran canoeists did whatever it took to save a pair of wild animals recently.

About two weeks ago Bonnie Couchie and Gord Martin found two baby moose struggling in a strong current on the Black River in northern Ontario.

Couchie said Martin guided the larger calf to shore. The smaller one couldn't make it, however, so it clambered into the canoe.

“He seemed quite comfortable in the canoe,” Couchie said. “It could've been really bad, but it wasn't. This moose seemed almost grateful to be in the canoe.”

And the moose seemed to bond with its rescuer.

"I watched as Gord comforted this moose and wrung all the water out of its fur and then rubbed his ears,” Couchie said. “And just before my eyes I'm looking at this moose, looking at Gord and Gord's looking at this moose. And it … absolutely warmed my heart."

Martin led the calf back to the tree line, where his sibling was. However, the moose turned and followed Martin like a dog, all the way back to the water. Martin and Couchie had to paddle away quickly.

"[The incident] was so funny because I've heard Gord say so many times … that his fantasy pet was a moose,” Couchie said.

The pair run an outdoor guiding company out of Pic River First Nation.

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:) thats so cute

OMD...I would be thrilled if I could get that close to a moose!!   They are my favorite animal!  My loving nickname for my dogs has always been moosie and my email address is moosesmom.  Thanks for sharing the story!

elephants are my favourite animal, but I don't call my doodles "elephantie" ... for some reason it doesn't have the same ring.

Aw! That's really cute.

My DD loves moose (mooses? meese?) and has a huge moose collection. I forwarded this article to her. :)

I think it's Meeses ;-)

Love this!!  I'd love to get that close to a moose :)

I feel that way about deer. And the wild bunnies that live in the bushes outside my apartment building. And the groundhog across the street. and koalas. :-\

Amazing! What an unforgettable experience! I hope those two found their way back to mama...

me too! I was wondering the same thing.

Me three.

Ok....This is why I could never hunt a "wild" animal....are they really that "wild" after all??   

Love this story!  =)  

I agree completely. We are all born tame, and learn to become wild. ;-)



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