Is there such a thing? I mean everyone thinks that their own children are cute but lets be real - sometimes you just see an ugly baby and of course the parents haven't got a clue. So couldn't that be the case with doodles too? Would you admit it if you thought your dood was homely? I just did some up close looking at some of the 14 week old litter pups that came out of the same puppy mill as Stuart and I just hate to say it but they are not cute, at all. So now I'm wondering if that is what Stuart might start to look like and of course I would still love him but I would have to admit that he wasn't "Quincy" in the least.
I think ALL doodles are gorgeous!!! Having said that, however, I've seen some incredibly unfortunate haircuts on some doods, and the cut made them ugly. I know one time Lola came home from a new groomer, and she resembled a lion. Honestly...she looked horrible!!! So I think with the right cut, any doodle can be gorgeous!
It is very decieving to look at some pictures of doodles. I can make Bella's snout look 3 feet long if I photograph her at the right angle, or 3 inches long if I angle it just right. I will need to take some ugly and pretty pictures of them. Although the ugly is hard to do. But Laurie, you definitely captured sides of Fudge and Vern we all have never seen before.
LOL, Sue. Fudge is such a beautiful dog in person, but it is so hard to get a good picture of her, so I know what you mean. Luckily, for Vern, who is a dirty dog, the dirt doesn't ALWAYS show up in a picture. Although, I do have a lot of dirty pictures of Vern (not as many as Weiner)...haha!