Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Whether you know it or not, we have all suffered a HUGE loss here on Doodle Kisses! On November 18, we lost Jackdoodle to bloat, a senseless problem that is unexplainable.

Here on DK we have become accustomed to getting help with all our needs. Anything from "What kind of food is best?" to "Should I take my dog to the vet?" and "My vet has prescribed prescription food, what are my options?" Many times those answers come from one of our best and most knowledgable members. Karen (& JackDoodle) has spent so much time researching every little detail of every food so that we all benefit greatly when trying to choose the best for our babies. JackDoodle was a rescue and he came with many health issues. He also came with a LOT of love to give! Because of his health problems, his Mama did tons of research on many different ailments that we have all benefitted from. To say that he saved lives is an understatement. I personally know that because of him, Karen helped us save the life of Annie, a Doodle we rescued off the streets. I know there are more stories out there. There are many who were spared heartache and pain because of her knowledge, many who saved money because of that knowledge. I will go so far as to say that I have trusted her information more than that of my vet at times! (Don't get me wrong, my dogs do go to the vet regularly but sometimes, even a vet doesn't get it right). I know many of us have suffered the same kind of loss and the same heartache and unfortunately, this one brings us all together. Because we know Karen (and Jack), our lives have been changed for good!

One of our most beloved members could sure use our help but would never ask for it herself! Anyone who is also grieving may wonder what you can do to help.  If, like me, you are looking for a more personal way to help out with the huge ($8300) vet bill she was left with, you can send your donation directly thru PayPal to : There is no fee for the giver or recipient if sent this way. Leslie (& Halas) will make sure Karen gets all the contributions.

Another option is to send a paypal donation directly to DoodleKisses and DK will make up the pennies lost in the transaction (paypal takes 2% or so):  Donate via DK -- just be sure to write "for Karen" as a note so DK knows it is for her.

Please contact me privately at  or send me a message here on DK if you'd like additional options.  However, If you'd rather donate in memory of Jack please do so here: or here: These are both wonderful organizations that Karen supports. 

Forever Would Not Have Been Long Enough. 
Jackdoodle, CGC
November 28, 2004 - November 18, 2017



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So true and so beautifully written.  Thanks so much, Lori.


Dear Jack,

We wanted to write a letter to let you know how much we appreciated you.  You and your mom will always be one of our heroes.  Between the two of you, you helped so many of us ordinary mutts behave better and be healthier. What a legacy!

When Clancy tore up toys right after he got them, Mom said, "JackDoodle doesn't do that." When Ned got into the trash, Mom said, "JackDoodle doesn't do that." When Charlie jumped all over people entering the house, Mom said, "JackDoodle doesn't do that."  You are a hard act to follow, but we tried!  When your mom shared about humans ‘owning’ the fence and how it helped you not bark at dogs going by, my mom tried it too.  Not naming names, BUT  two of us did much better at that than the little parti-boy brat, but that is improvement!

You were a role model for decorum, Judge Jack.  You were always unbiased, whether judging contests or presiding over disputes.  We appreciated that and tried to listen when Mom said, "JackDoodle would advise you to -------."  We weren't always good at it, but we tried.  When we got our CGC certificates, Clancy barely squeaked by when he was left with a stranger and saw Mom across the meadow, but he remembered your advice and kept his cool.  As a fellow shelter mutt, he felt you would understand.

We are so sorry you had such serious allergies and immune illnesses.  We feel that  through these bad things, you helped so many of us get better health treatment sooner.  When Gordie’s skin was so bad, you and your mom sent a link to a vet specialist; he was so grateful because he got well!  When Charlie came to live with us and had such tummy troubles,  your mom’s advice helped him get cured!  All because of you. I’m sure hundreds of others join us in that thank you.

We know there were many wagging tails welcoming you across the Rainbow Bridge. Though you will be sorely missed by those of us still here, your legacy will comfort us and we hope that legacy gives your mom comfort also.  

"We believe because we knew you, we have been changed for good."

Run Free, Jack,

Ned, Clancy and Charlie -- and their mama too.

Tears flow again.

Beautiful and well said. Thank you for this.


Nancy, This is such a beautiful letter!!

I'm crying again!  What an awesome letter from Ned, Clancy and Charlie (and their Mama).  

Nancy, I have sat in front of this computer 4 times now and couldn't  express how much I know all of us want to reach out and hold and hug Karen at this very difficult time in her life.  Thank you for such a beautiful sweet letter to two of our favorite Doodlers who have helped so many of us.  

Wonderful tribute!

Thanks for organizing Lori and Leslie. It is our privilege to help out a little bit.



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