Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

After reading a thread on food and sensitive tummies, I learned about ANAL glands and squeezing them!!!!  Is this something I must do, the vet does and how do I know when it has to be done? 

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I have read that the anal glands should express themselves naturally when dogs have a bowell movement too. And that the consistancy of the stool makes a difference. Soft stool apparently doesn't get the job done!

We have not had any problems with Tara's gland as yet and  have not had them "expressed"  either.


My daughter's vet told her to buy Metimucil (sp) waffers (for humans) at the grocery or drug store.  The come in a box and there are two cookies/waffers in a packet.  I think the ones my daughter had were apple flavored.  Her Rhodesian Ridgeback was having a very fishy smell that lasted and lasted and her poops are pretty darn good too.  Since giving her the cookies once a day she hasn't had any problems.  I am keeping the waffers on hand just in case!!
Our previous doodle (mutt) lived to be 15, he had to have his glands expressed once or twice a year, we were not as savvy as we are now and he didn't eat the best food. We always knew when it was time, we referred to him as TUNA BUTT when it happened. I know not very nice, right? Oh well young, dumb and in love.
thank you all so much for these answers!!!  May I ask, what are the anal glands for? and does a non-grain food produce firmer stool than a grain food?   I CAN NOT believe that I am even asking these questions!!!
The anal glands are right where you would think they would be...Inside the Poop Shoot!!!!

Soft stools will not help the excretement of the anal glands and a lack of excercise adds to that problem. 

I found that out the hard way with the pug we fostered for a bit.  Holy Cannoli, you'll know it when you smell it!

I had to have Shelby's anal glands expressed once when she was a puppy.  She did the classic butt scoot/drag on the floor with a streak left behind (gross... I know).   We only needed to do it once, no problems since then but I do believe our groomer expresses them as part of the sanitary package :o)

Vet or groomer

I read this one right before my lunch break, thinking I am not very hungry now! LOL This could be a new diet!


Glad I know what to do if Hunter stats having issues at least :-)

;) LOL@ Denise....I guess that would be a liquid diet! Gladyou saw that before not after lunch!
My doodle has no problems with hers, but my dachshund does. We get them expressed by the groomer every few months.
Oliver has issues with his anal glands from time to time, i usually check them when he has loose poops.  The usually express(drain)  with regular firm poop.  i usually hold a papertowel and feel for the (they can feel like small grapes) in the position of 4 and 8 on a clock is where they are located around the anus.  The smell is awful but it needs to be done because they can have issues.  groomers and vets can express them but they usually charge for that.  My vet showed me how - thank god (well kind of)



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