Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I came across this quote the other day and it set me to thinking.

"Ever wonder where you'd end up, if you took your dog for a walk and never once pulled on the leash"?

With all the discussions we have about training and collars and our dogs pulling us, where would we end up if we let our dogs take the lead? I am going to try this tomorrow and see where Quincy takes me. I have a feeling I know where we'll end up, but he may surprise me. Do we have any other takers? I think it would be an interesting experiment. Hopefully we have some who are up for the challenge and I look forward to reading your results. Update tomorrow after our walk!


 We went for our walk today, nice and sunny but a little cool. Quincy is used to being off leash but he usually sticks close by and takes his cue from us. He was a little confused when I took his leash off and didn't go anywhere, first he stood and looked at me and then he sat and looked at me till I told him ok go. He took me through bushes and trees, to the field where we play ball, did the zoomies and finished off with a dip in the pond. I put him back on his leash and he trotted happily back home. The foot bath was his least favorite part of our outing. He had a great time and it was also a treat for me to just wander after Quincy. Here are some pics of our little adventure.

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I know I would end up next to a tree where Jack just chased a squirrel up, or under a car where he is searching for a hiding cat.


I have done a lot of damage to Jack and his walking skills by letting him use an extension leash thing that pulls out further the more the dog pulls. I have thrown mine out about six months ago and I have been working very hard to undo the damage that I allowed. Jack and I are learning to walk next to me in a scooter and or in a tight heel. This would kill me and set me back so far.


I occasionally if Jack does good on a his walk, let the training rope which is 30 feet out and let him sniff and play, without a doubt in a dogs heaven there will be squirrels and birds that Jack can get and Kitty Cats too.

Good luck QUINCY!!!! Hope it's someplace you always wanted to be but couldn't tell your mom!

We will do this also, I think we would somehow head for the main road and end up at Pet Smart! 10 miles away???

Have fun!! Can't wait to see!

I would end up in someone's yard, I am sure.  I would have to drive to a little lake/park a few miles from here and try that.  But, it is 36 degrees out, damp, overcast and foggy in areas.  So, not gonna happen now...gotta wait for the sun to come out...we are supposed to get to 61..partly sunny, some scattered showers. 
Rooney walks in a heel position, no stopping to sniff (he doesn't mark - he still pees like a girl) or any of that unless he has to potty.  I've been known to miss his cues and the poor thing has stopped and gone on the sidewalk - I'm trained better now - lol.  Soooo, if I just let Roo go anyplace he wanted - we wouldn't get far because he'd like to walk and sniff, sniff, sniff.
Jane, as you can tell from the pictures, there was a 'whole lota sniffin goin on'.
How fun and how wonderful to have such a beautiful place to wander.

What a great idea!!!!

AHHHH, Adina...congratulations!!!!! How wonderful:)

We let Lucca decide which direction he wants to go on our night walk. He knows the routes. During the day sometimes he can be quite stubborn. If he doesn't want to go on the route I choose he will sit down, put his paw on the leash and not move until I turn to his route. I let him win....sometimes, not always:)

As to "just a stroll and see where we go" I'll try that next week. It sounds like fun.

If we were at home, Murphy would go straight to my next door neighbors house. Pat is his favorite person and she gives him treats. Every day he goes outside and looks at her porch to see if she is there having her morning coffee. If she is, he looks at me for permission and I tell him "Go see Pat".  He barrels up her stairs and does the doodle butt wag and she  gives him a treat. Then he flies down the stairs and back home. When she goes out of town he mopes.


That is so sweet. I am sure he makes her day:)
What an awesome idea :) Sam and I will have to try, great pictures! I love the collage
This sure sounds like fun.  We need a bit of warmer weather and I will try this!



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